
From Shadowlack
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Common Name: Bhim
National Motto: We are dust and shadow.
Demonym: Bhimite
Capital: Fhesakhugal
Largest City: Fhesakhugal
Official Languages Ramathian, Common
Currency: Bhijan
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Bhim is the natural meeting grounds for secret societies and all things related to the dark arts. Here deals are made, goods are traded, conspiracies are drawn out on knife-scarred tables, and blood wets open, trembling hands. Hardly a soul here can be trusted, but that doesn't stop anyone from getting their jobs done--and done right. Just be prepared to do some pretty outrageous favours. The locals live like wolves, out only for themselves (visitors, be warned). The youth grow up on a steady diet of petty crime--shoplifting, scams, graffiti, vandalism--and they practice it the way that others practice religion or sports. Through the battered century of police violence and underworld corruption, there has always been an undervoice that spoke through the gunfire and grime and that sometimes grows strong enough to merge with the battle sounds. This is the home for the struggle between the state and secret groups of insurgents--the anarchists, terrorists, assassins and revolutionaries who try to bring about apocalyptic change. The factory smoke here is the godhead of annihilation and ruin, long hours and poor pay and squats; whiskey-swigging dockworkers and shadowy smiles making the most forbidden of exchanges.


  • Fhesakhugal

Notable 'Dragons





A large and excessively ornate gambling and sports establishment.
A large swamp, populated by many animals and plants.
A deadly but beautiful forest in Bhim where a lot of illegal business is conducted.
Smugglers and pirates, ahoy! This coastal city is full of action (and illegal merchandise).