Ramathian Library

From Shadowlack
Revision as of 00:34, 24 March 2010 by Kwoiffei (talk | contribs) (Novels: +1)
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Bestseller of the year about a Bounty Hunter turned gardener who cannot escape his old life.
  • U Fempyf't Guma (81349). Kjoz.
Erotic fiction.
Action novel for mature readers going through their rebellious phases. A tale about a former drug addict's struggle for acceptance in the eyes of his elders
A novelization of the legend of Warlord Nuji Kaztohaat. Widely regarded as one of the definitive "modern" versions of the story.
A humorous novel about a brotherly rivalry between two aristocrats, taken to ridiculous, over-the-top extremes. Described by a critic as "[thriving] on refuge in sheer audacity", which is a major part of its appeal.
  • The Traitor's Call (81383). Zidan.
A trilogy of a young Yki becoming involved in a vast plot to incite massacre and chaos around the globe.


  • A Cursed Visionary D. Dyozin
Biography of the poet Salazin Karos. Notably biased against the Dragyns.
A definitive biography about The Invaders lead singer, Krike Savage.


Graphic Novels

Dark young adult science fiction/fantasy graphic novel series.
A graphic novel series with a complex plot, and anthropomorphic versions of Ramathian animals as characters.

Hatchling Lit.


A standard school-issued History text book detailing the series of events that led to the creation of the Machina Ruins.
Basic Introductory book to the Laws of Magic and their basic principles.
