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Anubian is a religion restricted to only those who are of Anubi descent. Within the Anubi sect, there are thirteen Guardians (gods) of worship. Scattered throughout Ramath-lehi there are also thirteen temples which correspond to the Guardians and their substance of specialty.

Anubian Guardians
Sand Water Smoke Cold Air Flowers
Whispers Fire Screams Ashes Soil
Pebbles Dark Clouds Blood

Rapitelli (Rapine Worshippers)

"Existence is suffering; the Nothing is peace." This is the central dogma of the Rapitelli religion, which was outlawed as heresy in the early Sun Dynasty. The common Ramathian sees Kytlekh as something akin to an ultimate evil, and the Rapine as the pendragons' archenemy; however, Rapitellans take an alternate view. To them, the Rapine are akin to angels of death and judgement, ending the suffering of those who lived good lives and punishing those who were sinful.


An agnostic is one who who does not deny the existence of a higher power but does not worship one, or alternatively, that while individual certainty in a higher power may be possible, they personally have no such knowledge.


The doctrine or belief that there is no higher power.


A less common religion which is believed to have diverged from Tanalism. Pouliarchists worship a similar pantheon, but there is a crucial difference: here, each deity governs a single domain, and both the positive and negative aspects of it. So, for example, the deity of health also governs disease and injury.

Fey Worship

Many Feydragon clans worship a single deity as a matron/patron deity, while acknowledging the existence of others. Alanamsul worship the Numegola, with the choice of deity influencing their appearance and potential abilities (so for example, an Alanamsul of Tejas may resemble a fish and be amphibious, or a polar creature with cryokinesis).

Traditional Azetsum clans have a culture centered around worship of Fromina and Tanastlasei, and there are those who pride themselves as holy champions of their gods.

Many Myshemd clans worship Kytlekh, but not all of them do; a lot of them moved away from this to a form of Tanalism. It's complicated.


A similar religion to Tanalism, and in fact believed to be the ancestor of it in some circles. (Many others believe they had a common ancestor.) This religion dictates that there is one divine entity, of which Fromina and Kythlekh are two halves. Fromina is Creation, and Kythlekh is Destruction. To them, Tanastlasei was not a deity, but the first dynir - a mortal who transcended their mortal wants and needs and reached enlightenment. If the balance between the two is to be kept, and Fromina is to win over Kythlekh, then a pendragon must live a virtuous life and strive to become a dynir.

This religion is best known for its "holy knights", the Blades of Dynir, who are trained at the Temple of Dynir to be both artists/artisans and warriors.

Daelarch Worship

Daelarch is the name used by the followers of this religion to collectively refer to daemons and archons - powerful spirit beings who dwell in a realm seperate from the mortal plane, Fromina and even Kytlekh. This realm is said to be of two natures; one, Ari-cha-tellar, is of the light and home to the archons, while the other, Daemo-rah-tellar, is of the darkness and home to the daemons.

Like the Tanalist and Pouliarchist gods, each daelarch governs a specific domain or aspect, and worshippers pray to a specific one for a specific situation. The actual method of prayer, however, differs in one crucial way: direct contact is made, between the worshipper and a temporary mortal avatar of the daelarch in question.