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Manufacturer: Uajeul Suksekul Russuleym
Type: Medicine

This drug though rather more like a type of sweet changes the emotions of the user. It comes in various flavours and colours each matching the emotion it produces. The product itself is two centimetres square and less than one millimetres thick and melts on your tongue which the liquid form then enters the blood stream to get to the brain where it then influences the neurons and produce moods/emotion. The product is sorted into convenient classes:

  • Uppers (Happiness, Pleasure, Bliss)
  • Downers (Sorrow, Anguish, Fear)
  • Zingers (Anger, Courage, Perseverance)
  • Chillers (Calm, Contentment, Carefree)

Each of these classes has different colours and flavours. Uppers have a berry-like taste. Zingers have a citric taste to them. Downers are very sour. Chillers are very hearty and savoury.

Side Effects

The side effects of this from excessive use slides between short-term memory loss to insanity. A person’s personality and mind is not built for such sudden and total shifts from extremes. Mixing the product is highly dangerous certain mixes will leave the subject unconscious or even dead.

Origin and current status

Originally Muses were designed to combat depression and other more destructive emotions but as its effectiveness and uses grew, shadier corporations bought out the research. Soon more emotions could be created for the users such as: bliss, happiness, sorrow, curiosity, anguish, fear, and even at high price, courage. Eventually the military was interested in this new ultimately useful product, in battlefields everywhere the soldiers of Ramath-lehi were courageous to their deaths creating victory even in the worst of situations.

Sadly the corporations never supplied the government the full evaluation of the product including its side effects. After many years of use soldiers where coming home disturbed not from the terrors of war but boredom. Some went out of their way to save people while other killed them due to nothing to do. The military investigated the product and eventually refused to use it and got the government to make it illegal. With no one else to sell to the corporations went to the black market on Bhim where sales have flourished.