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Ramathian Phrasebook and Lexicon

A Grader's WayPhrase
A square wheelPhraseSomething or someone that is useless.
AidltWordThe female numegola of earth, geography, genetics and Biokinesis.
AnjadnoWordThe male demi-god of the elderly and kiom.
Arch MagosWordMasculine. Used as a title and form of address for both past and present male sovereigns of Ramath-lehi.
Arch MagosaiWordFeminine. Used as a title and form of address for both past and present female sovereigns of Ramath-lehi.
BaWordSuffix. Usually used for an instructor/teacher or superior; usually applied to a surname.
Beaten Fronimaless/FronnalessPhraseTo be beaten to a pulp!
Council of ThirteenWord
DeWord(Archaic) Prefix. Traditionally used with one's surname to indicate being a member of a noble bloodline. Integrated into some modern surnames.
DympuiWordThe ninth day of the week. The second day of the weekend.
DyoWordSpring. The second of Ramath-lehi's four seasonal quarters.
FespuiWordThe first day of the week.
FidpuiWordThe seventh day of the week.
FronimaWordAn energy source used for magic and machina.
FronnaWordSlang. A slang term for the word Fromina. Often used as an interjection. "For Fronna's sake!" Believed to have come from lazy kids who thought that three syllables were too many.
FuesWordAn hour.
Fur-scaleWordA word used by some Takula to refer to non-Takula 'Dragons.
GaipuiWordThe eighth day of the week. The first day of the weekend.
Handled that like a gaukhPhraseUsed to colourfully describe another's inability to keep a level head; also pertains to one's fiery attitude in the presence of another or group. Extremely rebellious 'dragons - often teens - are talked to like this.
Handled that like a gaukh
HatchlingWordAn newly hatched or very young Pendragon.
High SpeechWordThe long since forgotten and obscured tongue of the Ramathian gods and goddesses.
Impaled SunsetPhraseLooming death.
JaipuiWordThe fifth day of the week.
Janardan AcademyWord
JaspuiWordThe third day of the week.
Jidp-senaWordNighttime. The time between sunset and sunrise.
KarshächWordVulgar. The Khellakh equivalent of the English profanity "bullshit".
KiomWordA respectful term for an elder male Ramathian who is above the age of 50. The term is generally not used for females and may be taken offensively.
KyttleWordKytlekh. (Derogatory slang)
LaipuiWordThe second day of the week.
LidpuiWordThe sixth day of the week.
Like a hatchling's breathPhraseThe opposite of a blessing in disguise. It's wonderful at first but then after time you realize it's unpleasant.
Liraxed awayPhrase(to lirax someone) To die without any forewarning, and quite mysteriously/to kill one quietly, quickly, and without a trace.
Luceshtaf FruiterPhraseSomeone who tries to please everyone, never going against anything. It comes from the fact that the fruit of a luceshtaf will taste pleasant to everyone, as it tastes like whatever the persons favorite food or drink is. Luceshtaf fruiter is generally used to describe politicians who try to please every political party.
MachinaWordMachines that are run using magicka (Fronima) as their power source.
MagickaWordThe common name for the power source of machina. Much like machines on our Earth are run by electricity, "machina" is powered by "magicka".
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