Blitzen Seneca

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Blitzen Seneca
(Player Character)
No Image
Status: Alive"Alive" is not in the list (Living, Deceased, Unknown) of allowed values for the "Character status" property.
Race: Lukuo
Gender: Male
Family and Heritage

Mother: Iversia Seneca
Father: Jay Seneca
Siblings: Celest Seneca
Significant Other: Single
Occupation: Unknown
Residence: Unknown

Blitzen has short, spiky hair, that he obviously trims himself because its a real hack job. Blitzen is very large for only being fourteen. He is very heavily built, and could pass off for a twenty five year old no problem. Blitzen isn't fat, just built thick. But Blitzen has a uniqueness to him that so far, no other pendragon has. His fur has no actual hue. He blends in with his surroundings like a lizard. He has the capability to change the colour and patterns of his fur so when another being looks at him, they don't exactly see him. But what makes this so interesting is that Blitzen can camouflage like this very quickly. He can run through a forest, and the patterns of the trees ripple along his fur. The only distinct way to know that there is actually a pendragon there would be if you was his tail. It is long and most of the time brown because instead of a flame, Blitzen's tail parts off into stiff sections resembling a tree branch.


Blitzen is a pretty easy going guy. However, he is extremely territorial. If any unknown pendragon enters the forest where Blitzen lives, they might be observed from afar, or confront Blitzen's sharp tail. He is a good fighter, considering it is almost impossible too see him, and that he has a lot of weight to throw around. But if you don't seem to be a threat, Blitzen will allow you to pass through his territory, even though you might never have known that he was there.


Blitzen's parents are never around. That would be foolish, considering they are the only real threat to the Graders. So Blitzen has decided to abandon school, and fend for himself. Of course, Karryasa did not approve of this and sought him out one day, but Blitzen pulled the wool over her eyes (so to speak) long enough for him to scram. He isn't sure if Karryasa let him leave or just didn't bother finding him again, either way, the school and the Grader's have given up hope on him. Blitzen has an older sister, Celest, but they don't keep in touch or anything. The only thing that matters to Blitzen is the well being of his forest, and himself.