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var-sin-id pl. varsinids
Fact File
Classification: Avian
Frequency: Very Common
Size: Small
Lifespan: 2-3 years
Domesticated?: No
Diet: Omnivore
Biome(s): Coastline, Mountain, Savanna, Temperate Forest

Varsinids are little, winged creatures that are seen in many places. They are often found both in groups and solitary. They are feathered and come in a wide variety of colours. Although they have no tails, their wings are nearly three times as large as the creature itself. Varsinids can swim as well as fly, and have thick feathers to provide insulation. They have tiny mouths lined with moderately sharp teeth and four paws with retractable claws. They feed on insects and seeds primarily, but may also eat small mammals and fish. They also will scavenge on the dead. They are, however, common prey for many carnivores on Ramath-lehi, and can be easily caught with proper knowledge.