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Extra/Preliminary Information

/// Males are generally larger in size, but not always stronger than females. Two main differences make them distinct from their feminine counterparts. First off, their tails are prehensile and long. The very tip of the tail ends in a flame which feeds off of the Ramathian magic entity known as Fronima. Usually you can tell a pendragons mood and current feelings by looking at how the fire on their tail burns. Secondly, males have the ability to shapeshift. They can assume other forms by mutating their own and either giving or taking energy from Fronima (the Spirit World). Some accidents involving shapeshifting have been known to occur, especially for beginners, but it's a skill that just needs practise in order to be mastered.

Females are generally smaller than males. They're not gifted with shapeshifting, although a few unique individuals have learnt it. Instead, they have been blessed (or burdened, as the case may be) with magic of the mind. They are born telepaths, able to read thoughts (of course with discretion and respect). Older female pendragons are also able to move objects with their mind through telekinesis - both telepathy and telekinesis draw on power from Fromina. These abilities grow stronger in females with age, which is why the reigning government has decided to take certain precautions. Female pendragons also usually don't have flamed tails, but some mutations have been known to occur.

Pendragon colours can range dramatically; they've taken on all of the hues of the visible light spectrum. So it's not uncommon to see a green pendragon, or even one with rainbow-coloured stripes. Their body structure is a lot like Earth's wolf, although entwined with many feline attributes - some even look a lot like Earth's big cats, or even like true mythological dragons. They usually have hair growing from the top of their heads. Sometimes, it is bladed, or slinks down their backs like soft spikes. What about wings?

Winged pendragons have also evolved for the skies. They're not as common as ground and cave-dwelling pendragons, but have started to increase in numbers. Their wings usually consist of a feather-like makeup but some with leather. Draconic wings have also evolved, as well. You could make up your own style of wings if you wish - it's just that "draconic" and "feathered" wings are more commonplace. Telepathy?

Both male and female pendragons are capable of telepathic thought-speak (sending messages into each other's minds). This is not the preferred method of communication, but it is used. Giving your character a tattoo (or tattoos).

Most pendragons are marked with tattoos, usually on their left haunch, though sometimes on the right. These are symbols that their parents thought would reflect the young pendragon's personality. Usually, the parents consult a seer or someone else of that nature in order to gain insight as to what a pendragon's symbol should be. Some players like to make up random designs for their character's tattoo, or even base them off of a specific creature or object. Two legs or four?

You have the choice on Ramath-lehi to roleplay your character as either a quadruped (four-legged) or a bipedal/anthropomorphic (two-legged) creature. Some people are more comfortable roleplaying their characters as four-legged creatures because they are used to roleplaying animals such as wolves and cats online - yet, there are those who are more comfortable playing characters that walk on two legs. Because of this, Ramath-lehi allows you to roleplay in either form. If you like, your character may also "shift" between two-legged and four-legged form whenever you feel it is convenient. In either of these two forms, pendragons can wear clothes. Keep in mind that there is NO TABOO about nudity on Ramath-lehi, so if a character is not wearing clothes, he or she should not feel ashamed of themselves. How big or small do you want your character to be?

Height and weight can vary greatly from pendragon to pendragon. Pendragons can be found in anything from mouse-like size, to even that of an elephant. But in this world, size doesn't really matter. Some pendragons even have the ability to change their size, so don't let them fool you. --phylus 15:52, 4 March 2010 (UTC)