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mah-kroo-rah pl. makruras
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Fact File
Classification: Insecta
Frequency: Common
Size: Medium
Lifespan: 60-70 years (Domestic)
70-90 years (Spider)
120-180 years (Mutant)
Domesticated?: No
Diet: Omnivore
Biome(s): Freshwater, Ocean, Wetland

The makrura is a waterborne insectoid. They look like terran lobsters, but they have large eyes and beaks resembling those of birds of prey.

There are several varieties of makrura:

  • The domestic makrura grows to a length about three feet. They come in different shades of red, from pink to vine red. This is the only makrura that can be tamed, hence its name.
  • The spider makrura is the same size as their domestic cousins. They come in different shades of blue, and it's common that one of their pincers get notably bigger than the other.
  • The mutant makrura never stops growing. This is the most hostile of the Makrura, and the only of them who ever has killed a pendragon. They're black in colour, but when it's dark, they emit an acid green light. Their limbs are disproportionate and mutilated.