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tore-burr pl. torber
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Fact File
Classification: Mammalian
Frequency: Common
Size: Small
Lifespan: 8-12 years
Domesticated?: No
Diet: Omnivore
Biome(s): Boreal Forest, Temperate Forest

Torbers are not often seen, but are, nonetheless, common. They are primarily out at night and have large eyes for night vision. They have a soft, black coat and small hand-like paws. They are very resourceful and will eat nearly anything, but usually feed on insects. Torbers live mainly in trees, and can swim fairly well. They have long, furry, opposable tails to help them when climbing. They are relatively small, maybe weighing 10 lbs at most. Their teeth are sharp and they can deliver a nasty bite, but do not normally attack creatures larger than themselves. They have very distinct ears which are rather large and rounded. They are mischievous and will rummage in villages and such. They can be easily trapped, but are hard to contain because they can easily unlatch a door or a lock.