Striped Swamp Tmuka

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Striped Swamp Tmuka
moo-kah pl. tmukas
link= Swamp Tmuka.png
Fact File
Classification: Reptilia
Frequency: Common
Size: Medium
Lifespan: 16-26 years
Domesticated?: No
Diet: Carnivore
Biome(s): Wetland

NOT to be confused with the striped tmuka of similar name, which is non-venomous and a distant relative.

While it has similar colouration as a striped tmuka, it's more closely related to the sand tmuka, and a great deal more venomous. It can grow up to about four feet long and is often found in shallow water or in muddy areas, while sometimes they are found in the low branches of a tree, usually basking, they are not good climbers. They have a rounded snout and have small hornlike ridges over the eyes, their stripe patterns are more like an terran rattlesnake, but are darker and have black speckles on them.

Their venom can be fatal if not treated quickly because the venom is a nerve toxin and it affects the muscles, including the heart. Death can come within an hour for healthy pendragons, less time for young or weak pendragons, if the anti-venom is not given to the tmuka-bite victim in time.