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ker-en-eye-ath pl. qereniatha
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Fact File
Classification: Mammalian
Frequency: Uncommon
Size: Small
Lifespan: 10-15 years
Domesticated?: No
Diet: Carnivore
Biome(s): Grassland, Mountain, Savanna, Temperate Forest

Sometimes referred to as "the little pendragons", qereniatha fully deserve this title. Not only are they scarily intelligent (they are known to have their own, rather complex language), agile and graceful hunters, and bear a small resemblance to the dominant species, they are beautiful animals with a lot going for them. Though they can be malicious and even sadistic at times, some have managed to befriend them. They are good for helping with hunts, and provide wonderful companions for the lonely - if they take to you. If they don't, then prepare to have a shredded nose. Quite a lot of domestic qereniatha behave very aloofly towards people they do not know, and feral ones can be downright evil if approached wrongly.

In their undomesticated state, qereniatha are solitary creatures, unless they have a mate or offspring. Unlike many animals, they are monogamous and it is suspected that they can feel love, amusement, and hate. About the size of a large ferret, they are very well equipped predators. They have long sharp teeth, large reflective eyes, very big pointed ears, and formidable claws. Generally speaking, they are lithely built, and nearly all of them can swim and climb. They are quite catlike in appearance. Their paws and tail have no fur, instead they are covered by blackish leathery skin, but their back paws have spurs and their tail a blade of bone. Their fur is very long, especially on the spine, and can be any colour though a pearly white or bluish-black is most common. Eyes are generally blue. Qereniatha were first discovered by Qurintaylen Kalimenbrennin, who was the eventual ancestor of the Kalimenbrin family.