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drah-kon pl. drakons
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Fact File
Classification: Reptilia
Frequency: Common
Size: Small
Lifespan: 1-2 years
Domesticated?: No
Diet: Insectivore
Biome(s): Caves, Desert, Mountain, Temperate Forest

Drakons are small, winged, lizard-like creatures. They greatly resemble a species of lizards which once lived on Earth - the geckos. They come in different colours depending upon their habitat. They usually use their skin and wing colors for camouflage - desert drakons are usually of a greyish/sandy colour, Forest ones of a darkish green, and the mountain/cave ones have a dark, grey skin. These lizards are no bigger than a pendragons paw.

Though they usually feed on small insects, some drakons have little, yet sharp, teeth and can attack small mammals when in a group. However, they never attack Pendragons, however small they may be.

Male drakons usually live alone and hunt for themselves but females tend to stay together in groups of 5-10 and take turns in caring for their young and protecting the group, under the supervision of a leader - usually the biggest/strongest female of the group.

Some skilled pendragons can tame and befriend drakons. Once a drakon is tamed, it can be used for many purposes such as reconnaissance or espionage or just as a pet.