Assassin Avrum

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Assassin Avrum
(Player Character)
No Image
Status: Alive"Alive" is not in the list (Living, Deceased, Unknown) of allowed values for the "Character status" property.
Race: Pendragon
Gender: Male
Family and Heritage

Mother: Kati Avrum
Father: Kovak Avrum
Siblings: Lotkeh Avrum
Significant Other: Single
Occupation: Unknown
Residence: Unknown

Assassin is a bright green colour, and around his eyes is a bright yellow patch, which prevents anyone from looking him directly in the eyes. It has also cause Assassin to squint, and have several eye problems. His hair isn't much like hair, but more like bright yellow spikes running down his back. Assassin wears a black torn teeshirt, and gloves with metal claws attached on them. Assassin never allows his tail to have a flame, therefore the tip of his tail is crooked, from years of keeping the flame to a low flicker until it finally died. Assassin's rear symbol is of a skull and crossbones and it means "deadly."


Assassin is a very sarcastic and outgoing guy. He is funny, and weird at the same time. He likes to be friendly, and like making friends. If one got to know him, they would never believe that he was a Master Assassin. He doesn't like killing, but he's good at it and his mother always tells him to go with what you know. He would, however, never kill if he wasn't being payed, which is why he chooses not to participate in the great wars.


Assassin is exactly what his name implies, an Assassin. He works for the Graders, but will work for anyone who is willing to pay a price. He is a master assassin, which makes him quite dangerous, yet useful as well. He works for the Graders for free under the one condition that his mother lives as long as she can without interference. Kati is blind, but her inner sight and sightless fighting almost made her a threat to the Graders, but Assassin and his brother Lotkeh would do anything to protect her from the Graders. Assassin's biggest fear is that his eye problems will one day leave him blind as well, and the Graders will have their chance to do away with him and Kati.