Gaita Livek

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Height- 4 feet, 2 inches

Weight- 90 lbs

Birthday- Tessera 356

Appearance- Gaita is an Azetsum. He is fairly tall for a Feydragon. His fur is periwinkle, though a very light shade of periwinkle, more white than blue. The fur on his left arm is slightly darker than platinum blonde. His hair is in a modern style (kinda like Ryan Seacrest hair) and it is almost platinum blonde. His face is quite vulpine in shape. Gaitas wings are quite small, His wingspan is only 5 feet. However, he has a unique feature with his wings. Probably due to some sort of Lukuo ancestry, he has three pairs of wings. His top pair has a five foot wingspan, while his two bottom pairs have a wingspan of only two feet. His wings most closely resemble albatross wings. His tail is about one foot long. It resembles the bushy tail of a fox. His tailflame is the same color as his hair.

History- Gaita was born to a small upper middle class family. He lived in a suburban neighborhood where nothing bad ever happened. Perfect for families, not perfect for a genius who wants to make millions with as little effort as possible. Some niotie set up a lemonade stand for money. Others set up ponzi schemes over the net and make their first million. Without being caught. Ever. Gaita had to use a fake identity to keep the money without the law getting interested. At the age of thirteen he was a multi millionaire, of course the millions were scattered across fake accounts.

Once he reached the age of fourteen he got into Janardan University. This was due to him having a higher IQ than some of the professors. He got his major degrees in law, economics, and took a class in mathematics. He didnt finish his mathematics course however, so he isnt any sort of master at math. When he left school he transferred his millions into one account, legally registered to him.

Once he reached the age of twenty-two he started a company. He didnt start it by making a unique product that helped society, no he cannibalized four different companies and organized a corporate takeover of a pharmaceutical company. He know owns a five-star restaurant, a pharmacy chain, a hotel company,his own airline, computer business, and a clothing store. He also had a few illicit schemes set up, less for profit and more for the sake of a thrill. As he matured, dropped the illegal activity, and his company transitioned into a fully legal enterprise. His main company, the hotel corporation, is called Gaitaghujn. He is considered a pop-culture figure, as he is one of the richest people on Ramath-Lehi. He has recently gained political standing, however he has not started campaigning.

Personality- Gaita is arrogant, some would say rightfully so, although he is arrogant in such a way as it is not immediately clear. He is a charmer, people rarely ever refuse him. Gaita will rarely ever allow anyone close to him emotionally. The paparazzi have not found out about his emotional detachment and not even Gaita knows that these occur because of his childhood issues. He was always alone as a child, his parents were never home, and all the kids thought he was a freak because of his vast intelligence. After years of sadness he convinced himself that he didnt need any friends and now he cant open up to anyone on an emotional level. This doesnt stop him from being a ferocious womanizer. There is rarely a night spent without a model or some other rich guys daughter. He is always the center of attention at parties.