Serephe Tay'Tren the Yki
Name: Serephe Tay'Tren
Age: 21
Gender: Androgynous (Hermaphrodite)
Race: Yki
Base: White
Secondary color: Goldentan
Eyecolor: Purple
Specific marks: White wings and featherquills running from the top of hir head and down along the back of hir head and to halfway down hir back. Scytheblade on the tailtip and various smaller decorative accessories on tail and wrists/ankles (Usually cuffs of sorts). Has a gem in the forehead, placed by hir former Master (An amethyst).
Personality: Sephere is a kindhearted yki, helpful and conversative. Shi's good at listening and giving advises to people. Shi's far from any hunter or warrior, but more of a supporter, doing what shi can to help other Ykii whilst out on hunting missions with both injuries and recommendations. Shi's playful at times when hir inner child strikes through and when so, shi can be found rolling around in the snow, leaping after various insects or batting around with things. Shi's most of the time however, focused and quite thoughtful about what shi does. Shi often reflects about instances shi's been through or what might come in the future. If shi hears something, shi'll think it through deeply. Being almost naivety hirself and on top of being submissive of nature, it's a wonder shi hasn't been mated yet or even found a better half. Shi can easily be persuaded to follow a cause, live out an idea or do something under the right circumstances, which in the past, at times lead hir to get in trouble. Shi however, will start to think about things if shi gets suspicious about hir being used, and shi'll start to withdraw and fall back, maybe even try to flee.
Physical traits: Sephere is smaller than other Ykii, and slightly slimmer, thus having a thick furcoat and rather big wings coated in feathers. Shi got a feather/quill mane running from the top of hir head and down along hir back, approximately to the middle of the back. These quills are white, except for three feathers on top of hir head, directly above the amethyst in hir forehead, which are purple. Shi got some faint markings under the fur and over the face which can be seen clearly when light falls on hir from the right direction. The gem in hir forehead is teardrop shaped and shi usually keeps it covered with some of the fur and hair of hirs. Along hir tail, occasional bracelets and cuffs can be seen, but mostly around hir tailtip where one can find a scythelike blade which, indeed, is as sharp as it looks. Also to mention, the tailtip most of the time is covered by a specific bracelet with quills and another amethyst. Usually, if one gets to spot it, shi can be seen with cuffs around hir ankles and wrists which at first glance would seem to not serve any specific purpose, but who knows...
Powers: Contrary to most other manifestations by others, Serephe uses tarotlike cards for the majority of hir powers. Below here, hir powers are listed and how they're manifested:
Light accumulation: Serephe starts accumulating existing light around hir and starts using it as a sort of flashlight or lantern. The light is emitted from either the gem in hir forehead or from hir hands.
Emergency healing: This healing type is nowhere near as efficient as any healers can do it, but it is sufficient to close smaller wounds and treat lesser injuries. It is however, not always this works for hir and shi is still practicing on it.
Curse removal (Tier 1): Hir Master had taught hir about curses, and the degrees of such, as well as how to remove curses, but it would come at the cost of hir own health and energy, and until shi got better, would be unable to lift bigger curses.
Shield of Light (Played by card): Serephe uses a card of hir deck to manifest a barrierlike shield which takes the shape of a glowing window almost. This is just a manifestation of hir energy; a sort of reserve. When it breaks, it shatters, and it's not the strongest of shields outthere.
Illumination (Played by card): Shi places a card on the ground upon enchanting it, and once deployed, the card will start glowing and light will start spreading around the area, illuminating it. Depending on how dark it is, or if a Daemon follower is close, the degree of light is determined thereof.
Enchantment: The enchantment to use the cards for various purposes draws upon Serephe's lifeforce and energy, along with Fronima. Shi can only enchant so and so many cards before shi either fails to do so, or pass out. Each enchantment renders Serephe weaker than before and more prone to attack, depending on the circumstances.