Pico Bomb
Pico Bombs
Pico bombs, nicknamed “mechanical poisons”, are a unique weapon of Ramath-Lehi. Pico bombs are extremely small explosive devices no bigger than pendragon blood cells. The bombs are normally contained in a green-yellow viscous substance. When this gel-like material comes into contact with a living organism, it will seep into the creature's bloodstream. The bombs contained within the goo will be transferred throughout the victim's bloodstream. The bombs' fuses are “lit” by chemicals found in the blood. After the bombs' timers are set, the bombs will later detonate, rupturing blood vessels and causing widespread hemorrhaging. The length of time it may take for the explosives to detonate varies from as little as a few hours, to as long as several months.
Using pico bombs may be preferable to using traditional poisons. The reason is because most poisons have an antidote. However, fixing problems caused by pico bombs or even removing them from a bloodstream requires thorough and extensive medical treatment.
Most victim's of pico bombs die. The few who survive usually live the rest of their lives with severe brain trauma and various other physical ailments caused by the devastating explosions. Only about one gram of the substance containing pico bombs is necessary to deliver fatal internal wounds.