Freezing Gun

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Freezing Gun
Manufacturer: Uajeul Suksekul Russuleym
Type: Weapons

A freezing gun refers to any type of firearm which uses frozen mercury as its projectiles. For example, a freezing pistol would be a pistol which shot frozen mercury; a freezing rifle would be a rifle which shot frozen mercury; etc. Almost every type of gun imaginable can be re-created as a freezing gun.

Freezing guns are typically made with special metals so that they do not become too cold while being fired. The metal used is enchanted by someone trained in cyrokinesis so that it is more resistant to cold and does not loose or gain much thermal energy.

Each bullet of a freezing gun is specially manufactured and is coated in an adiabatic casing. This outer shell, which prevents the bullets from thawing, is shed each time the weapon is fired. The shell is ejected from the gun and usually falls to the ground. However, because these cases are created with special metals, collecting them and selling them is actually somewhat profitable.

In addition to being made of mercury, the bullets fired from a freezing gun are normally fired at higher velocities than normal bullets. Therefore, the bullet, having high momentum, slams into the victim and almost always knocks the victim off of his/her feet.

The mercury used to create each bullet is usually about 230 Kelvins. This temperature is only a few degrees below the thawing point of the mercury. As a result, after impact, the bullet will begin to melt and enter the victim's bloodstream. Mercury poisoning of the victim is imminent. Anyone who receives wounds from a freezing gun is advised to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Freezing guns and the ammunition they fire are both very dangerous and very expensive. They are hard to come by and are typically only sold in underground gun shops. Because of these factors, freezing guns are only fired sparingly dire circumstances.