Character Registry
Our players have created 159 characters at Shadowlack.
Lukuo (29) 18% Pendragon (58) 36% Yki (20) 13% |
Could not draw pie with labels contained inside canvas |
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 0 5 10 15 20
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Kylion Hauzer
Played by StormerX- Species:
- Feydragon
- Looks:
- masculine (male)
- Age:
- 25
- Occupation:
- Bounty Hunter/Assassin
Maul Kill
Played by TheSecretiveFurry- Species:
- Feydragon
- Looks:
- masculine (male)
- Age:
- 31
- Occupation:
- Well you got a mouse right? Click that wiki page!
Telm Shimar
Played by Lycanshero- Species:
- Pendragon
- Looks:
- masculine (male)
- Age:
- 47
- Occupation:
- Military; Tguka Branch; <Determining Rank>
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