What do you find intimidating about Shadowlack?

Thread in 'Hatchling Central' started by shriker, Aug 27, 2013.


What do you find the most intimidating about us?

  1. The fact that Shadowlack has been around 11+ years

  2. The scary people

    0 vote(s)
  3. The vast amount of In Character information that's available

  4. The ridiculous amount of freedom

  5. The forum software

  6. Other

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. kk, sooooo I'mma try and do a Twine introduction thing... at least that's what my project for the next week will be I think. I'm not sure how far I'll get or if it will get out of control but I've been wanting to mess around in Twine for a while and this is some solid material to start with :3
  2. @Lautir So a text game to introduce a game? That might be rather cool.
  3. Well I'm not too sure how game-like I can make things in Twine, but it would definitely be a slightly dynamic way of reading and gathering information. I'm hoping to make something bare-bones enough that it would inspire others to want to tell the real stories.

    I managed to cobble together some small pieces last night after fighting with the web based version of Twine: Shadowlack - An Introduction

    If anyone has feedback on the format that would be great! I'm not sure if it's catchy in any way. I do know that it's annoying that you can't tell apart the Wiki links from the continuing the tread links so that's definitely something that needs to change to make it useable. And it would definitely be filled with pictures :3
    shriker likes this.
  4. I really like this! Kind of has a MUD feel to it. Call me a HUGE nerd... and you'd be right lol. Perhaps it would be possible to incorporate the to have a better idea of where places are or perhaps clickable areas so you can start your "adventure" in that area?
  5. That's actually quite slick! I should look into Twine more. If it's possible to add custom CSS or JavaScript, it ought to be really easy to do some special styling for links.
  6. Yep! We could probably do some cool things with CSS and JavaScript. They need to be applied in a specific way but I don't think it's that difficult. Their CSS Wiki page.

    And yeah, definitely putting some maps in their as they'll be invaluable for orienting a user. As well as maybe a link directly to the specific IC forum locations so people might be tempted to start right after reading.
  7. #27 Lautir, Aug 17, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2014
    Double posting to share official WIP1 (now with a new build with some fixed sentences)!

    I had some technical difficulties with getting the CSS to work (aka I didn't) so it has a ways to go appearance wise still. But I filled out the five branches so that they lead somewhere. If you guys could poke around at it and tell me what you think that would be great. Especially any of you newer members!

    Does it intrigue you? Is it too much information in a small space? Would you like to see more branches? What part of Shadowlack would you like to see shown here?

    So far it only has some @Iversia art in it but I think it would be great to have something for every page, as ambitious as that would be!

    I'm going to send this version to my game writing group and get their feedback on it. None of them know anything about Shadowlack so they'll be a nice clean test group to get reactions from :3 After which point I think it could be fun to open this up to other contributors, yesyes.
    shriker likes this.
  8. I like it! It's definitely an awesome start. I don't know how difficult it would be to do but I think it would be cool to reference one or two of the major current events in perhaps it's own branch with maybe a link to the world news section.
  9. More branches. Yes! I think it all seems pretty digestible so far. Keeping it at around 200-300 words per page seems to be working quite well for readability.

    I'll try to keep my ideas fairly compartmentalized.
    • Something that mentions the shadier parts of Shadowlack. Eg. Where to get into trouble / illegal substances.
    • A little about social class. Eg. What/where money can get you. Mostly would like to point out the economic disparity between some of Ramath-lehi's countries.
    • Finding entertainment. Whether it be Menlo, the Black Rune Casino, legal sex work, or a club/bar/restaurant.
    • Getting a tattoo (if only because tattoos are so culturally ingrained here)
  10. And color me impressed! And I like where this is going! And etc. and crap I've got so much to do right now... >.<
  11. @EyeoftheNyte - Yeah, I was trying to keep those in mind but kept falling into minor history lessons, orz. Are there any that you think would be easiest for newbies to get into? I mentioned The Flux a bit, the thing with the Free Mages... hmmm, we could probably use a forum wide plot sometime soon...

    @Iversia - Yessss, tattoos definitely need a mention :3 All good things!
    shriker likes this.
  12. I love what you've got going! :rainbowheart:

    Hopefully I'll have a bit of free time next week and I'll try pitching in.
    Lautir likes this.
  13. So I got feedback from some outsiders on Sunday. They recommend having a more specific narrator for the "game". Mostly to have a more solid voice throughout the paths as well as to help the user be more situated so it's just not some weird bodiless voice. So maybe an opportunity for a welcoming NPC.

    I had more feedback which I need to incorporate in my notes but I don't have them with me at the moment, gah.
  14. it's not the character information, but the world information that I find almost overwhelming myself.

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