threading anyone?

Thread in 'Game-Related' started by FlyingWeaselMan, Dec 16, 2008.

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  1. My threads have been going slow recently and I'd like to start some more with anyone. All of my characters are available for RPing so reply if you want to have a thread. I'm particularly looking for someone who'd want a character to be a student of Vem. I haven't rped him in a while.
  2. o/ Hola~

    I just came off of a prolongued hiatus, so I'd be up for some rp action~ All of my characters are open at the moment, if you're interested?
  3. Sure. I think that we could have Vilka be a student of my character Vemul. Sound good?
  4. Works for me! Any preference for where and when?
  5. Sorry for not replying sooner. I have no preference for when it should take place, but could it be in Watani because that is where Vem typically is.
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