Players Wanted Thread?

Thread in 'Game-Related' started by Kwerty, Feb 14, 2008.

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  1. So yea. I'm looking for an rp, any of my charries are open. I may be a little slow on the responses, that's why I only wanted one for now. :)

    Happy Valentines day btw. :D
    :heart:'s to fellow ramathians.
  2. i wouldnt mind rping with you but ill be slow aswell
  3. i didn't see this before. i'd be willing to take a thread with you.
  4. Ditto!
    I would love a thread!
  5. hey zirrus, how about you and me have a thread to go while we're here?
  6. Sounds good to me!
    You wanna start it or should I?
  7. um, if you wouldn't mind starting it? i would prefer if the setting wasn't too... urban. phet'knis isn't quite there yet.
  8. Sounds good :D
    Zirrus hasn't hit the urban lands yet. She is still out there wandering around.
  9. sweet. (: pm me when it's done? :heart:
  10. if either of you still want to rp just start it up & pm me. like i said it may be a while. :]
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