Ok, I worked out a posting order for http://shadowlack.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=6542&st=15This RP Thread.</a> This list will go in the order of Dark Eyed Dragon Attrius FlyingWeaselMan Jynx ArcticKiba Shriker Morichai phylus Rattus Plus, the newcomers that might join in have permission to join whenever, but after there first post, they go at the bottom of the list. Does this sound fair?
This is a notice: Due to PC Problems, Mori has asked me to skip her turn and let phylus go next. I said to her if that's what she wants to do, then she should. Now I've been thinking, when her problems are taken care of, I'm going to grant her permission to join in whenever instead of waiting for her turn. Now I've made a rule. If one of the members are going to be scarce, not to scarce for sending PMs and posting in the general chat things and stuff like that, but too scarce for RP Posting, they are allowed to skip there turn, but they must tell me so I may post a notice on this thread and PM the person that's to post after the scarce person, ok? And when they come back, they have special permission to post whenever instead of waiting for there turn, but after that post, it goes back to the posting order. Does this sound fair to anyone?
Ok, people. Progress has been so slow with people being sick, or away. So, after careful consideration, we are going to have a vote. A yes or no vote for stopping where we ar atm and say we did do it OOCly. This is for people who've joined and who were goning to join in later on.
i would love for the thread to keep going (Lamaria was just about to talk to Vythe!) but it has been staggeringly slow. i think maybe if we filter some folks out of posting order? although some people, like Em, are kindof important. x:
I vote we keep it rolling, but I agree with phylus. Maybe if we just put it on hold for a while and let a few people come back before we start up again?
i agree with Phylus, i just need the opprtunity to interact :3, well i'll be slow im really busy these days @_@
Neither do I. Abby wants to dance with Vythe, not only that but she just met up with Koani and the gang, I want to try out William with Requiems preformance, Sarah wants to sing, also Yumi just showed up.
also i wanna get razorback cooking for all the performers so i do hope that this thread wont die.....