The Search For the Supreme Elemental

Thread in 'Game-Related' started by Mournbringer, Jun 2, 2008.

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  1. "The Search For The Supreme Elemental" If you wish to join let me know. join up quick!!!!!

    The point of the plot is two lonely travelers are on a search for a way to find the Supreme Elemental and with the hopes of being able to contact it and or summon it to harness it's extreme power. So join me if you dare!!! Ha ha ha.

    Peace and love to you
  2. Hey, I'd be willing to join that. It also kinda makes sense with my character Fautal being an archaeologist. He'd probably want to participate. ^.^
  3. Sweet I'll be using two of my characters ( I want to take a whack at Rp'ing duo.) I should have the starting post up today or early tomorrow. Spread the word I want this to be HUGE!!!!

    Peace and love to you
  4. Please don't start multiple topics in here about the exact same thread/plot. I've just merged all three of them. If you want, just edit the first post in this thread with all the information about the plot. Generally the more people know about it, the more they could become interested in it.
  5. I would join if Xavius would be welcome but methinks there might be some slight conflicts with him and Fautal
  6. oh goodie. lol
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