The Newbie Thread V

Thread in 'Hatchling Central' started by shriker, Jan 12, 2008.

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  1. <table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (DrayKane Kaizer @ Jun 19 2008, 04:24 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Hello, I´m David, the creator of DrayKane Kaizer and Draken Elthyyyr. My roleplay history started with D&D, went up to more advanced games, and finally made its way to online roleplaying. I´ve been a part of many web messenger roleplays such as Halo, Zombie rps, Star Wars rps and many Medieval rps. I´ve always been a writer at heart and I´ve been telling stories ever since I could speak, so writing stories and roleplaying is an amazing outlet for my imagination. I really want to get a good thread started, so anyone that´s interested should check out my post in the Badlands, "Training for Survival", I really want to get down to some serious roleplaying! :) </td></tr></table>
    Oh snap... Another David!
    Welcome to RaL. :)
  2. Welcoooome!
  3. 'lo all. :D I be Eli/Psychondriac/Renet er whatevers, and I'm also quite NEW. Y HELO THAR (my first and last chatspeak I swear, scout's honor!) >B

    Erm, I've been roleplaying for god knows too long (seven, or is it eight years?) and I love everything ghei. :heart: I've been roleplaying across the RPG universe, whether it's been Redwall, Human, LotR, wolf, etc, and I actually roleplayed here before... though it's been at least two years. DDD: Two years too long, I tell ya!


  4. hi'ya! nice to meet the new members Dray and Junsu.

    Good luck and have nice some RP's. :clover: :clover:
  5. *pounces*

    iz this renet from Shadow oflet???


    welcome back anyroad! :heart: :cookie:
  6. Thanks ^^ Yep, I'm Renet from Myth. XD I'm on there quite frequently. Too much so, probably.
  7. I knew it :P

    I'm Starwing from there ^^
  8. Well welcome back ^,^
  9. Welcome, welcome! ^_^
  10. <span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>hey! I used to play here before as Skywolf a few years ago. I see the site's changed quite a lot, so I'm more or less a newbie again.

    it's good to be back. :]</span>
  11. hiiii Welcome back :3
  12. Hallo, all! I'm completely new -- and the size of the site's a mite intimidating. I come from EfR and a couple other animal fantasy roleplays, and I've been rping... man, somethin' like eight years? Anywho, I'm excited to get started on Ral. :]
  13. *glomps* HAI Velcome to RaL Ah ha ha!

    Hopeya fun here :3 *claims for own*
  14. Welcome back Havannah ;) Welcome to you, too, Suda! I'm sure your years of RP experience will happily be pounced upon by our many minions!
  15. Newbie flesh tastes good with catsup.

    *shakes up catsup bottle and readies utensils*
  16. Hi!
    I'm ... Not really knew here. D: I signed up a while back, got seriously intimidated by the number of people here, and am just now starting out.
    My username is way too long to bother typing all the time, so just call me Ashe. I haven't been rping long - I'd say a year or so - but I try my best. I've been on a couple other sites before this, but they were all little bitty ones compared to RaL.
  17. Welcome back Euphorix. ^_^ Aaaand, salutations to Suda and Ashe! I hope you guys enjoy your stay here.

    Plenty of people find Ramath-lehi intimidating at first, but try not to let it get to you. It'll end up growing on you. People here are friendly, and if you ever need help or are unsure about something, just ask. :]
  18. Welcome Ashe :3 I'm glad you decided to join us again! Mm i found Ramath a bit intimidating at first too, now they can't get rid of me if they tried D:

    *yawns* I just got up like 5 minutes ago, not that its relevant >3 But yeah :3 I'll protect you from people like Argent, who may currently be knawing on your arm *shoos him away*

    Oh noes,i rambled D:

    Welcome again :3
  19. Yeah ^^ I shared the same intimidation. I can remember spending more time reading through every piece of literature on the site to ensure I didn't screw up, than I did in General Chat getting to know people, lol. It's not that bad. Having been here before, I'm sure you'll pick things up fairly quickly again ^-^

    It's good to have you back, nonetheless! And, yes, stick around Mori... She WILL protect you. She's cool like that XD
  20. lol hello ashe, looks like the newbie kidnapper's really scared the heck out of ye. (nar) well i wish you luck and it looks like you got more exp then me in rp'ing,well done! ^^
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