:musicnote: Hello everyone! I'm Chirou. I'm glad to be in here. I would like friends and more. I also like how the staff acts.~ So, am I welcome here?
Of course you are welcome, and now it is time for your initiation. *Pours steak sauce over Chirou* FRESH MEAT, COME AND GET IT :)
Meh... I don't like steak sauce. *Tries to wipe it off* And I love meat, but not human meat. >.> I prefer chicken. Ahhh! I'm meat! *Hides in a far far away place*
I WILL EATZ YOUR SOULZZZZ! Nah i kidd, welcome Chirou *i like your username!!!!* To the left and right you'll see the ambush waiting for you, behind you you'll see the anti claim patch and Ang0224, this means i connot save you u_u If you'd liek to join my army of newblings, please sign here *hands contract and pen* We have dental, unlimited dvds, choclate sauce and dinner is cooked every night for you ~ If you dont sign, i'll leave you to be eaten :P Kekekek i have nooo idea, all i've eaten today is a packet of sweets called lovehearts *nyom nyom* But yeah, i hope you'll enjoy yourself here and feel free to ask any questions if you have them. I practically live for them D: Luff luff ^_^
I wonder why I'm going to get eaten. I've must've been having tons of good meat or something. Well, there's the ambush. This is my fate. XD
Welcome to Ramath-lehi, Chirou! If you have any questions about the game, feel free to ask. Even though people like to pretend to eat the new little hatchlings, and claim them, they're mostly harmless. Mostly. ;) That's a nifty signature you've got there.
Yeah we are harmless... *Hides bodies of other newbies in the break room closet* ...What, I found them that way.
Thank you Shirker. I tried to do a userbar actually, but it failed. X3 And, yeah, I LOVE meat, except I'm getting eatin which I will be not with this seal on me. *Poke* Anyway, I've did had some feasts with some newbies in other forums before..
Thanks. I really like how the members do not spam and all. :) Well, in other forums, if they spam, I mostly eat them cooked and fresh. I'm starving. I'm not eating anyone for dinner.
K, so I'm not NEW really, but I'm returning, so I'm all refreshed and squeaky clean and I want to say hi to all the new faces that weren't here the like... two or three years ago when I last WAS here. :P HI EVERYONE!
Thankies :D Weee... But hey, I don't come empty handed... I come bearing fresh-baked muffins for all!
HAI EVERYONE I R A NEWB!! How are you all? Call me Soulless! I hope to have excellent fun here, and meet many friiieeeenndds. =D Expect to see me posting around like a chipmunk of steroids! BAI~