The Newbie Thread V

Thread in 'Hatchling Central' started by shriker, Jan 12, 2008.

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  1. *claims unholy*

    Welxome :3
  2. *Catface moment*

    Jeeze Morri, don' be szo grreeedy.
  3. ahhhh i was too late to put a anti-claim sticker on unholy D:

    ... well hello Unholy i welcome you with a digital cookie :cookie: wait theres a bit of dust on it :cookiebitten: ah! thats better and now i will read your character's profile page (because i feel like it). *wispers* lol that was weird :3

    DX well the orgininal plan failed (i can't read your characters profile page because you have no character Unholy!
  4. Hey everyone! I'm a long-time lurker that has sadly been neglecting this place for a while. I remember being drawn here because I was impressed at the organization, detail and general awesomeness of this world and also because it was actually active...generally the places I played had a maximum of a three-year run, and then died. I don't remember actually posting except to ask that my account be lurkerfied, but I did read a lot and kept up for a bit. And then life intervened, and I forgot about this place until I got an email from Shriker a few days ago that coaxed me back. So here I am, again. I'll probably actually rp this time as well, but I have some finals to take care of first. Also, sorry if I've posted this in the wrong place, I wasn't sure where it belonged.

    P.S. Is it possible to get a username change?
  5. Welcome (back) maestro_hex ^^ you've posted in the right place, and yep - it is possible - but all questions pertaining to accounts should go towards Jodie/Shriker ^_~ I'm glad to hear you've gone about the place reading and whatnots ^^ s'good to know there's an Ral-nerd club!
  6. Hola,

    My names Wolv ;) I am very bad at these intro things so i will try and keep it short.
    I am 19, i live in Ireland and i am a total gaming and adoptable freak! :P

    Ask me if you wish to know more and you shall receive.

  7. Ireland Ireland or Northern Ireland? ;) Welcome to Ramath-lehi! Do watch out for Morichai, she'll adopt you and you'll never see the light of night again.
  8. I am Pirate Ferret...a blob of person who has come crawling back to Ramath-Lehi once again (how can you people not be getting fed up with this? Ug...Im sorry. ><) long has it been? A year? Two? Gosh I dont remember. Its been a while. Anyway. I am back because I got...the email. O_O I love Ral...its like...a part of my childhood that I can always relive for a little bit when I remember that it is here. Heres hoping Ral can come before school for a little while...or at least before video games and drawing and comic reading. I want to stretch the ol' roleplay muscle. I think I shall edit some of my characters a bit...they are getting a bit too...well...badly described. Hehe. Anyway. Anyone here still remember me? BLOOP! I recognize a lot of names in the moderators and specialty groups, you guys been moving up in the world. ^^ Tis awesome. Anyway...yeah. Hi....again. :rabbit:

    Oh yes, and not to be rude, Hello Wolv! Welcome! Im sure you will love Ral. You ever rped before?
    And of course hello all you people who I am not yet acquainted with. ^^ I shall be interested to meet you.
  9. Haha, the email is bringing everyone out of the woodworks. Nice to see some new and old faces :D

    So welcome/welcome back!
  10. Gorsh, I know. That email...I feel ashamed that it takes such a blatant message to bring me back. I am grateful for the email. ><
  11. Welcome back PF ^^ you were never forgotten.
  12. i think i kindof remember you from Neopets, PF. o_O; i was sachi_ryo, or maddeh.
  13. Thanky Dumu. ^^ Tis good to know.

    You know, it sorta rings a bell, but sadly the fully memory escapes me. I dont remember you. ;__; Im sorreh. But I am very flattered that you kinda remember me! I loved Neopets. Where did you know me from, some guild or other? Maybe that will help my goldfish memory...
  14. Great to know that The Email is working. XD

    It's really nice to see some old faces, as well as new ones. Welcome, welcome!

    Everything is going on-schedule in Jodie-land. So much so that I may even be able to complete the new character submission script this weekend. I don't want to get people's hopes up too much, but it's really looking good time-wise. :rapine:
  15. The Email, its almost heaven sent. It was funny because I had actually been thinking all last week about how much I miss roleplaying and I was trying to get my friends to start rping with me again but they were not into it and simply didn't feel like writing. So I didn't really have an outlet, and I thought I was doomed to never roleplay again, that my rp days were over and dead, never to be revived...and then, The Email. *heavenly choir*

    On scheduleness is always good. Go Jodie! ^^
  16. I'm away ill for a few days and then all these peeps appear, firstly. I remember you for definate PF, i still has your pixel dollies you did for me :3

    And i also remember inked frost too, buut yesh *claims all of the newlings*

    And Alex,

    Where is the ash flavoured like the fish? :fishie:
  17. The'e iz no fisch in he'e, I'll go to the schops, yeees.

    Please, stop with the CatFace, I'll be crucified at the dinner table.

    XD It is so good to see the Oldies returning, and so many sprogs joining.
  18. And that will make me stop? nuuupe :P

    It'z clean i licked eet...

    i NEED monieeeeeeee

    Don'tz be zo greeedi
  19. side note: can i make a new newbie thread?
  20. Fo' shizzle.
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