
Thread in 'Game-Related' started by Draconan, Feb 19, 2009.

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  1. Sorry that I've been kind of nonexistent :P Been really bogged down in schoolwork and art for other places (sorry for neglecting you, RaL my baby!) guess I was inspired to post here after my friend and I were pretty sure that a guy we knew killed himself tonight.

    But we're not sure.

    So yeah, how's 09' been treating you guys? I haven't been sick yet! That's my only updraft.
  2. Oh Drac, I'm so sorry :( I hope everything is okay.
  3. Sorry for being a buzzkill. I guess his sister found him this morning and he was taken to the hospital. Thank god he's okay.
  4. oh, i'm so sorry drac. ): it's so sad to know how many folks are unhappy these days. but don't worry, RaL works in waves. we've all been quiet at one time, and louder at others. just a matter of how much time we've got to commit to our own time.

    glad you're coming back!
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