Now I am returned, and I am not disapeareds. No; Nothing got better in my life. I worked myself into injured on work I had to go the hospital. My job nearly fired me or something like that. I still am pretty lonely, etc etc. But hours are cut back so I now have time to rp. So, who wants to rp? Lemme know yo. P.S.----Any Questions?
Yeah. I am staying at home most of the time I am off work, and I think I am now where I used to be before I was injured physically. I am now waiting on the Paintball Season to truly start for me, and win some tournaments.
NO BREAK LEECH. If Ramath's forums don't get one of your direct injection moments of crazy soon, the site might implode from stability. Plus I'd like to RP with anybody who's got time, check out my chars and tell me if you want a thread.