Simple Fear

Thread in 'Ramathian Scrolls' started by Aki-Sha, Apr 4, 2013.

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  1. Who: Laloona</a>
    Timestamp: 21 Tria 81380

    Bright, neon green orbs scanned over the dozens of groups and crowds that dotted the campus grounds. The body in which the eyes belonged to was rigid and stiff, the femme's hands held behind her back to hold her suitcase with both hands, though the small paws were hidden behind the rainbow sleeves. She had recently stepped through the portal which had died down, her name was Pixie Laloona. She turned her head slowly from side to side, watching everyone. She had just come from a smaller school that she had expelled her for skipping classes because she hated the crowds. So her parent's decided to send her here, to a massive school filled with large crowds.

    She brought up one of her paws, a clawed finger resting on the corner of her lip. The neon green orbs scanned once more and she suddenlly whimpered and began shaking. She whirled to her left sudenlly and ran to a secluded tree and leaned against it, keeping her eyes off of the crowds. She bit her lip and slowly set down the suitcase as her wings stretched out as easily as they could behind her, the rainbow layers gleaming in neon colors. Her tail swayed beneath her slowly and she slid down to sit on the ground, her tail laying on the ground to her right as it tapped nervously on the ground.

    <span style='color:orange'>Just calm down Pixie. You will be fine...there is nothing to fret over. It's just a bunch of massive crowds. Crowds that could crush you and suffocate you until you die.</span> She thought to herself and sudenlly squealed and hugged her knees up to her chest and buried her face into her knees, the purple hair and blue/green bangs covering the rest of her face as her black and orange ears poked out of her hair and laid flat against her skull.
  2. ((OOC: Playing Mich! ^^))

    Mich yawned, striding outside. The green-haired 'dragon leafed through the book he was currently reading. A sequel to his favourite book. Nowhere near as good as the original, but... it was fair. With a steady yawn, he stretched his toes and walked over to his favourite bench. The blue 'dragon stretched, fixing his beige shorts and checkerd shirt collar. Winding his tail around one of the legs of the chair, he sat down to read.

    After a minute, he suddenly noticed somethign out of teh corner of his eyes. He set his book down, and looked over. It was a girl 'dragon, with some unusual clothing - and a suitcase. She actually looked rather panicked. Cocking his eyebrow, he asked, <span style='color:green'>"You new here? You do know there's absolutely nothing to be afraid of?"</span>
  3. Pix's head popped up in a flash as she heard a voice and looked over in the direction of it, her skin paling under the dark fur. Someone had noticed her. <span style='color:orange'>Oh god...what do I say. Okay...just calm down Pix.</span> She smiled sheepishly and nodded her head slowly, biting her lip. She dared not to let a word out in case she would sound stupid. Pixie shrugged her shoulders absently to the last question and looked closer at the rather tall 'dragon. She finally dared to open her mouth.

    <span style='color:orange'>"Um...not un-unless you're terrified of crowds."</span> She bit her lip again and seemed to try to bury herself even more behind her rainbowy inside wings, the ebony black exterior showing, but letting her eyes show over just barely as she looked to him nervously. Her ears weren't flat against her head anymore, they were raised slightly in curiousity.
  4. Mich chuckled, <span style='color:green'>"Crowds? Oh, for goodness sake, that's not the worst thing here. Now the Panic Room, that's the worst. And you've absolutely no need to hide from me like, that, I won't bite."</span> He then lifted his book, turned over the page, and looked down at the new student.

    <span style='color:green'>"So... what's your name?"</span>
  5. Pixies slowly leaned off of the tree and folded her wings carefully behind her as she stared to the male 'dragon and she layed her legs out on the ground, so she didn't seem hidden anymore, her bright rainbowy clothes showing perfectly. <span style='color:orange'>"I'm Pixie Laloona. You can call me Pix though, I prefer it. And...and you are?"</span>

    She fiddled with the sleeves of her shirt, the rainbow colors seeming to blend together as she crossed her arms over her chest and continued staring at the male 'dragon. She could easily see that he was at least six feet tall if not more. She knew that she would be short compared to him, her only being 5'4" tall.
  6. Mich gave a tiny smile, <span style='color:green'>"Mich. Mich Zappharin. Though I'm sometimes nicknamed as the Disapproving Bookworm. The bookworm part,"</span> he held up his book, <span style='color:green'>"isn't hard to work out, but I don't know how the disapproving part comes in."</span>

    With a chuckle, he swung his legs down off the bench and asked, <span style='color:green'>"You wanna sit down?"</span> gesturing to the empty space..
  7. A smile began to creep apon her maw and she nodded. <span style='color:orange'>"Sure..."</span> She got up slowly and wiped some dirt off of her jeans, grabbing her suitcase. She walked over to the bench and sat down, setting her suicase on the ground next to her bare feet. <span style='color:orange'>"It's nice to meet you Mich. I don't think I will call you the Dissapproving Bookworm though, heh."</span>

    She was still fidgetting with the edge of her sleeves slight, her shyness as clear as day. <span style='color:orange'>" long have you been at this school?"</span> She wanted to say something to break her shyness, and that was asking questions, one after another.
  8. <span style='color:green'>"Ah, since I was a kid. Seven or eight years old. Only moved dormitories twice. My roomates have switched rooms so many times it's uncountable," </span>he chuckled, and looked down at Pixie. She was quite short, compared to himself. He coughed, <span style='color:green'>"So... what school did you attend before you came here, and... how did you wind up here?"</span>
  9. Pixie looked up to him and a quiet noticable smirk crossed her face as she looked back down to the ground. <span style='color:orange'>"I used to attend a quiet small school close to my home, which is now only my parent's. Now that me and my sister Gryffe moved out. How did I end up here? Hmm...well I kept skipping classes at my old school almost every day because I couldn't take the school and the crowds anymore, plus the place was just plain weird to me. I didn't like it there. So my parents gave me another chance and sent me here, and if I screw up here...then I will be home schooled until I graduate. My sister came her also because she begged my parents, which they kept saying no until she finally threatened to blow up the house."</span> She couldn't help but laugh softly at this and smiled up at him. She sudenlly noticed how much she had said and bit her lip again, she didn't usually talk that much when she just met someone. It just sort of slipped from her mouth like word vomit.
  10. Mich chuckled, <span style='color:green'>"Goodness, you seem to have quite a violent sister. I have just an annoying little sister at home. Then there's my big brother, my hero. I know it sounds weird, talking about siblings that way, but he's the one that introduced me to books. He's in training to be an archaologist, like my parents."</span>

    He smiled at Pixie, <span style='color:green'>"So... what's your sister like?"</span>
  11. She stopped biting her lips and brought her knees up to her again, resting her feet on the edge of the bench. <span style='color:orange'>"Well...I think it's good that someone looks up to their sibling. I know that my sister sometimes looks up to me. Though most of the time she is truly herself. She is quiet the rebel though, and is an excellent dancer. She goes into acrobatics and dancing. Me on the other hand, I'm into acrobatics too but also writing and literature. Gryffe usually follows me in clothing style. It's quiet easy to spot her. She has neon green fur and purple hair with blue highlights and dresses in a lot of neon colors. She is the neon daughter while I'm the rainbow daughter of our parents. As they put it."</span>

    She began to bite at her claw on her right hand and looked off ahead to the people passing by without a care. Her green orbs seemed to asorb everything around her and every feeling. As she leaned forward slightly the tattoo on the back of her neck came into view. It took the shape of two fairy-like wings with small bubbles surrounding it. The wings were a soft orange color wilst the bubbles were a baby blue. It was her birth tattoo and it was placed on the back of her neck to represent her shyness since it was not always noticeable.

    She looked up to Mich and cocked her head to the side. <span style='color:orange'>"I'm not talking too much am I? I hope I'm not boring you..."</span>
  12. Mich shook his head, <span style='color:green'>"No, not at all. My roommates say I should get out more often and chat to more people anyway. In fact... they say that a lot. I spend way too much time in the library. Now that Tria's come, though, it's lovely to go outside and get some fresh air in my lungs."</span>

    He sighed, and looked back at Pixie. <span style='color:green'>"Do you know what dormitory you're in yet?"</span>
  13. <span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:FFFF99'>Pixies eyes closed halfway and she looked down to her bare feet that poked out from the edge of her jeans.</span> <span style='color:orange'>"Yea. I'm in room number 5002, along with my little sister. What is your dorm number?"</span> <span style='color:FFFF99'>She looked up to him, a small smile was now on her face, her pink orbs now dancing with a sudden glee. Her shyness and fear was slowly dwindling as she continued to talk with the 'dragon, though she kept herself in a sort of emotional cocoon for herself. She never liked to be hurt, so she protected herself with a wall around most of her emotions, but now that was even slowly breaking down. She was feeling safe around this 'dragon, even possible friend.</span></span>
  14. <span style='color:green'>"I live in Room 6389, with a fruit loop, a shy photographer and a cook with anger management issues. Then next door is worse. Well... Koku and Yoshi are okay,"</span> a slight blush tinged his ears as he mentioned teh name Koku, <span style='color:green'>"but we have the school gossip columnist next door. Don't tell her anything about you, or it'll wind up on her gossip page."</span> He moaned playfully, and flopped backwards.
  15. <span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:FFFF99'>Pix giggled softly and nodded slowly.</span> <span style='color:orange'>"Alright. I won't tell her anything about me then, heh. So who is Koku? I noticed you blushed when you said their name. Who is she?"</span> <span style='color:FFFF99'>Pix felt like she might be intruding in his privacy, but she couldn't help it when she became like this, when she began to open up finally to someone new. She set her feet back down onto the ground but then she sat up slightly and layed them under her, raising herself slightly as she turned slightly to face him. Her eyes did not leave him, she concentrated only on him. She thought of certain features and sudenlly she began to get an image of a new character for one of her books and she smiled softly.</span></span>
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