From the depths I come! How is everyone? I know I know, I only turn up for attendance and disappear :( I've gotten into a bit of a sticky situation with my college timings so I barely get any comp access >_< Anyway, take care guys, cya, hopefully before the next roll call @_@ Edit: Oh yeah, I really like the new layout of the whole place! =3
I'm game for as long as the site can avoid the incredibly horrible posters of other boards. I tried playing a space based PBP war game, but more often then not really good fights turned into this: Whiny terrible player with no sense: Dudess, y do you alwys kill my poeple?!?!? I dont kil yur people un less you atakk me 1st! Alternate version of same opening line(warning! PG13): Whiny terrible player with no sense: fuk u! u alwys killl al my poeple then i haf to make nu people an it taks foraver! Y do yu always atack ME?!?!? Player with spell checker, actual knowledge about space, real role playing skills, and a terrible disposition: Wow. The sheer horror of that last post makes me want to go to your house and kill you right now, you stupid inbred malcontent. I kill your people because you are always copying me and you are an annoying jerk who deserves every rail-gun round I pumped into your home world. Go die somewhere and leave these boards to people who can spell. Seriously, this is what role playing boards with minor moderation look like, before you even get into the OOC threads. The OOC threads are much worse and contain even less moderation, allowing many more people like those to flourish like bacteria in a particularly nasty petri dish. Everyone playing should thank the creators and upholders of this site for maintaining such high standards of fun. Thank you Ramath-Lehi staff.
Hi! I've just dropped by to check what's been happening with Ramath lately. It's been a long time since I set eyes here. Then I freaked out because I couldn't post in the General Chat. Anyway, please keep me *puppy eyes*. The site looks really totally different.
For some reason i cant reply in the OOC parts even though my account has been updated? Have i been put in the doghouse? D:
Ahh, oops. I'll have you guys all fixed up momentarily. It just looks as though the new player group is overriding a few staff settings. I'll set it straight. :]
errr, was my account updated? ^_^; my thread didn't have any shriker edity-business! and, to add... there's a giant gap in between my posting box and the submit buttons. anyone else encounter this??
I is here! Now that Jodie helped me with my slight malfunction of losing both my password and email addy :P
Oh gosh. -loves on the new layout- I am here, barely. D: Please don't erase me from the history of RaL. I miss roleplaying sooooo muchhchchchhc... D: -dies-