Just doing a quick little check to see who all is still around this summer. Please reply to this thread if you'd like to keep your account on the site. I'm going to be doing a member purge in the future. Think of it as preparation for new account registrations that will be opening shortly. So if you read this, please reply so that I can make sure that you are in the right member group with proper permissions. You will not be able to post in any of the IC areas, or any of the non-help related boards until you've replied to this thread and have had your permissions changed. Other than that, ah, I'm just fiddling around with a darker skin. Hopefully you people like where it's going. As always, please report any errors in the Help Desk. ;)
Sound off, ONE TWO! :musicnote: I'm here Jodie! Everyday, like 5 times a day! Please don't delete meeeeeeeeee~ I'm liking the new colours, and I like how large my user name is up in the corner, saves me from forgetting who I am :p Now I'll go error hunting, yar.
Pendzez and his friends will be here still. You can count on it. So, yeah I'll be here. The wolf will always be around.
im here just new job is anooying in the sence that it keeps me away from the computer but that doesnt mean im dead and gone......also my arthritis is annoying too.
I'm not dead. ^.^ Just have a much stuff going on. I have so many plans but for the moment I cant use them. Heh. One thing to say though. My net has been cut off until I get a job. *sighs.* So I am alive. Just about.
Am I here??? I don't know? Am I? Ya, still around. Summer and work is keeping me away from the computer. Nice work you did on the Board here! Lovin' the new look!
Alrighties! Everyone is updated up to this point in the thread. :) Thanks for taking the time to reply.
i've been around, i just haven't noticed the new notice! i think i'll be out of roleplaying for a little while (same boat as Kiba) but i'd like for all my IC threads to be up and running, if that's okay (Kylie, i WILL get back to our's!)... a part of me is in downtime because i'm just waiting on Ramath to re-open up again. but i'm here and working on some RAL stuff c:
Gurgle gurlge. I love this layout. Green on black is just a beautiful combination. And I particularly like how the posts have a space between them, I don't know why, I just like it. Anyway. I am here...off and on. >_<