rockin and a walkin

Thread in 'Ramathian Scrolls' started by EyeoftheNyte, Apr 4, 2013.

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  1. Timestamp: 20th of Tria, 81380.

    The chilly looking Khell bobbed her head a little up and down and side to side enjoying the music that piped directly into her ears via tiny wires that led to her tiny machina device. It was a rare occurances since she had arrived that she had actually enjoyed herself. Classes were one thing it was easy to keep her mind buisy. but the off hours... now that was a mountain of a task. With so many in attendance it was easy to get overwhelmed by the swell of emotion that seemed to be everywhere. But this, this was an ingenious little device and since she had obtained it she had been smiling all the more often and even ventured out of her room.

    Now it wasn't difficult to go unnoticed being that she was under 5 feet tall, by two inches, and wieghing in at about 90 lbs. Her scarf would likely be the only thing that would catch another's attention. The bright yellow artical was wrapped once about her neck and an end curled about her arm all the way down to the hand that held onto her tiny walkdragon. Her maw curled in a smile and the black edges of her lips parted enough to see the brilliant white of her teeth. The downfall of all this fun she was having was that she was paying very little, if any, attention to where she was going. To make matters worse her tail swished back and forth catching light now and again and glistening, and many shiney Khell do, and now she was a rockin, walkin, swishin 'dragon on a set path for fun. But that's how things always start...
  2. The yellow scarf was the first thing he saw. Well, who wouldn't, for it was such a bright yellow that for a second it stung his eyes. The 'dragon wearing it, a neat blue female, was walking down the path ahead of him with a pair of wires hanging out of her ears. This gave him some pause until he realized that she was listening to music. That also went pretty far to explain her strange behavior, the bobbing and strange movements of her hands. Once he had decided that she wasn't having some odd fit, he grinned from ear to ear. She looked like she needed a little bit of excitement in her life.
    He crept towards her, less stealthily then he usually would, as he was certain that she couldn't her him. She was a good foot and a half shorter then him so as he came up on one side of her, slightly behind, he had to lean down to be level with her. He smiled widely into her face and waved.
  3. Something, some feeling that crept through the wonderfully masking noise to open her eyes. As she opened her icey eyes and to her utter shock there was someone's face only inches from hers. Those same eyes passed the 'open' point and were now gaping wide open. Eda's mouth opened to let out a cry of startlement but nothing escaped except for when she and all of her glistening fur went tumbling backwards landing her on her posterior, which when she hit forced out a soft, "Umpf..."

    This all was compounded by the fact that her hands, which hand intended to save her from a more rough landing shot down to catch herself, now sandwitched her tiny walk-dragon between the ground and her. Despite her petite structure and light weight, the device did not survive the fall and ended it's music with a crack and a crunch. This left her looking up at the dragon who had been greeting her.

    She was still quite shocked and her chest rose and fell quickly with her jumpstarted heartrate. Her eyes fell down to her hand where the remains of the device lay and she let out a groan of disappointment, "Awww...." lifting her hand she looked at a few bit and pieces which had stuck in her fur but hadn't punctured the skin beneath. Looking up again blinked, "What did you that for?" she sounded to be on the verg of tears but it was mainly her speaking through the racing heartbeat.
  4. <span style='width:100%;font-weight:bold; font-size:10px'>Out of Character</span>
    <table class='ooc'><tr><td> Hope you don't mind me popping in. :)</td></tr></table>

    Fuck school. Toby didn't even know why the hell he was here. But his mtoher had allowed him to live on his own only if he continued to attend school. Why go to school when all he did was fail? Music was all he cared about, didn't they see? Didn't they know that his father was in a famous rock band? Toby would have liked to just join in with his father, touring the world with him. Though, sadly, both of his parents actually cared what he did, and forced him into things he didn't want. Things like school.

    Toby usually didn't bother paying attention in class. He usually just wrote down ideas for songs rather than do his work, and it was evident to his teachers. Now, he was away from the horrid classrooms, and he was heading away from it all when his ears caught the sound of a crack and a crunch as he walked, and he decided to go check it out. What he saw was a pretty little female with a crushed walkdragon in her hands. A music lover? Could it be? But why was it crushed? Then he saw the puny male beside her and he listened as she questioned his actions. Grinning, he walked over, Toby to the rescue.

    Toby ignored the male and offered a paw to the female. Smiling, he hoped to help her up and help her out. "Hey, I'm Toby. Need some help? By the way, my dad's a famous rocker, so I'm all about music. I've got three walkdragons, and I only need one. I can give you one to replace that crushed one if you like." He spoke the truth, he really didn't use them all, only his newer one. She could have on if she wanted. Rolling his eyes at the male, Toby kept his hand in place, waiting to see if she would take it. If not, it was no big deal, he knew she could get up on her own, but it was common knowledge to help someone up. Especially if your a guy and she's a girl. Grinning, he awaited her answer.
  5. Eda looked from the 'dragon, who practically scared her out of her skin, to Toby. She could easily get a fix on these two empathicly. The one who scared her was far more jovial than the one who now offered to help her up. Though the one who was offering to help her up was being kind it also seemed like he was trying rather hard, perhaps too hard. She got to her feet herself and remained low to pick up the fragments of her walkdragon, "Um... thanks... Toby right?" she nodded slowly and looked over the bits sighing deeply before looking up to the other 'dragon, "You shouldn't sneak up on people like that! I'll probably lose all my fur from that scare!"

    Looking down she tilted her head some and used a claw to sift this way and that through the bits before walking over to a garbage receptical and throwing it away she came back to the two and looked between them, "I'm Eda... and you're Toby, and besides mean you are...." her ears pirked some as she quirked and eye at him trying to half hide a smirk. She had played pranks on people back home so she couldn't verywell remain angry at him for playing a little one on her, she didn't get hurt after all, just scared... if not slightly embarassed. There was a faint hue of pink beneath her light blue fur as she thought more about what she looked like to them dancing about to her music. It sort of made her want to curl up into a ball and hide when she realized how silly she had been acting just moments before the fright. A soft groan of embarassment escaped her and she brought a hand to the side of her face.
  6. He spread his arms wide. "Oh, come on, I'm not that horrible am I?" He pouted. It was one of the few things he was good at, pouting. It was what he referred to as his 'special skill', but he found that it annoyed the hell out of most people. He wasn't very taken with the stripy male with the attitude, but Eda was just so bright! He hadn't been able to help himself. He gave her his sweetest smile and said "Fylv. Nice to meet you." It was nice to meet her, as he was board and needed something to do with himself or he would go nuts. Well, more nuts then he already was.

    "I liked your dancing" he said quietly to Eda. He was determined to ignore this Toby character for as long as possible. It wasn't that he didn't want him there; he was just so...stuck up. That was how it seemed, coming in and instantly saying 'Oh yeah, my parents are awesome so I can give expensive stuff away to cute little 'dragons'. Fylv gave him The Look of Doom.
  7. Eda paused a moment looking down, "Well... I suppose you aren't that bad" she looked up smirking a little and for a time she had forgotten about her embarassment. That is, until he mentioned her dancing, "Oh..." she blushed furiously beneath her light blue fur, "I didn't know anyone was watching... " she smiled looking down at her feet a little and noticed she was wringing her hands pretty hard. She quickly stopped, and wondered what other things she did compulsively. "It's nice to meet the two of you... I haven't met too many people, probably because I seclude myself... maybe this is just what I needed?" she chuckled some trying to laugh away her embarassment now.
  8. The black-furred pendragon was sitting nearby just reading when she heard all the commotion going on. She just sat there and watched the little scene, interested. She saw one male scare the female and break her walkdragon. Too bad. Those things are kinda expensive. Then, she saw another male try to come to the rescue and help her up. Probably hoping for a date or something. Guys can be so predictable. She saw a spark of rivalry between the two while the female picked up what remained of her walkdragon while answering their questions. She seemed to be a bit more interested in the one that just scared her, though. Shadow decided that she'd go over and see what was up. "Hey," she said to the female, "are you alright? I saw you fall and break your walkdragon. Sorry about that, by the way. These guys aren't bothering you, are they?"
  9. Toby ignored the male. Sure, Toby could be stuck up, and sometimes a bit of a jerk, but he was only trying to help the female's situation, since the idiot had ruined an expensive item of hers. The guy was flirting too, so Toby decided to let it be. He didn't really care. With the look from the male, he just rolled his eyes and turned to walk away, leaving the two to their lovey actions. Fine, no walkdragon for her, and the two year old pouting shrimp could have his fun.

    However, when Toby turned to walk away, he saw someone that he recognized. It was...that girl, from the dock! The one who had come to his rescue in his serious time of need. She was rather pretty, and since they knew eachothr, he walked over, disregarding the words she said. A charming grin as he spoke to Shadow, Toby ignored the other two, though he wouldn't be rude. If the tiny little 'dragon throwing a fit wanted to mess with Toby, it would be his mistake. "Hey...Shadow, right? Remember me? From the port? How ya been doin'?" He smiled, his white hand ran over his spiked hair as he awaited her reply.
  10. Eda looked to the starkly contrasting female dragon and smiled, "No... not bothering me, atleast not yet. One just gave me a start, and the other was trying very hard to be gentildragonly to me." she looked between them and nodded, "Yes it was a pity... it's kept me sane the past week or so. It's the only thing that can actually drown out everything else that's going through my head." She looked longingly at the trash bin she had deposited the remains of the item before giving an odd look realizing something "This is the largest group I've been around since I got sent here." she fidgets a little, "I never realized how much I missed having people to talk to. Now if I can only keep a hold on my damnable abilities things should be even better! For now it's nice and quiet in here." she taps on the side of her head lightly.
  11. Shadow turned towards Toby. "Hey! Yeah, I remember you. Great seeing you again." Turning towards the other two 'dragons, she said, "You know, I don't think I caught your names. I'm Shadow. You know, I think we should all have lunch together, seeings how we've seemed to somehow stumbled into each other. Toby? What do you guys think?"
  12. Toby smiled at both females, and gave a nod of recognition towards the male. He decided that since he was around the ladies, he'd cause no trouble and be nice to the male. Toby listened to Eda explain that she hadn't been around a big crowd in a while, and Toby grinned, electric blue eyes flashing. As Shadow spoke to him, he glowed, yea, Shadow was a pretty gal, and ever since their visit at the port, his mind had been on her. Hearing her offer an idea, he nodded, as though contemplating the idea.

    "Sounds good to me, you guys up for it?" He spoke directly to Eda and the male, whom's name he had not yet caught.

    Walking over to him, Toby offered the male his hand, a friendly grin upon his face. "Hey man, sorry about how it was before, wanna start again? I'm Toby, you?" Toby was being the bigger 'dragon of the situation, and he figured he might be friends with the guy if he turned out to be alright. Walking back to Shadow, he purposely brushed her legs with his tail, hiding it from the boy and Eda, though obviously, Shadow knew. Smirking, telepathically, he spoke to Shadow. I never got to say it, but thanks for the help out at the port, as much as I hate to admit it, your help was really needed and appreciated. With that, he waited to see if the others were going to join them for lunch. Maybe two couples could be established today.
  13. Eda looked between Toby, Shadow, and Fylv, "I am a little hungery. It's amazing how being scared out of your skin will do that, huh?" she gave Fylv a teasing glance, "You comming along by any chance?" She looked to Shadow and Toby again and she caught a distinct sence of attraction from Toby, though it was confusing as to whom it was towards. The bright side was that she wasn't being swarmed, just yet, by the masses of emotions good, bad, and neutral from everyone that made their way through the courtyard area.

    Looking to Shadow finally she nodded a little, "Oh, I don't think I thanked you for keeping an eye on the situation here. Though I doubt that it would have come to anything serious or dangerous, it's nice to know that there are some out there looking out for others." She twirled one of her amrs a little causing one of the long trailing ends of her yellow scarf to wrap around it once more. Once it made a final wrap about her wrist she grabbed on to the end with the long tassles and let her fingers move through them, it was yet another nervous habit that was on the laundry list. Perhaps no one would notice, she didn't. Once the ice was broken maybe some of these habits would fade away. The one she was most concious of now was the wringing of her hands which was half of the reason why she had wrapped the one end of the scarf around her arm. Little did she know it would open the door for another to take it's place.

    Despite her unconsious behavior she smiled widely at the thought of finally having some friends around here. Solitude was nice and easy to cope with but... it was such a wonderful feeling. What was it... she worked through the list of different emotions she had remembered over the years, ahh yes... the contended happiness of companionship. Something else told her she wasn't likely to easily let it go as it had come, and who knows what this lunch would bring...
  14. Everyone seemed to agree to lunch, and she watched as Toby tried to shove his pride and be nice to the other male. As he walked by, she felt his tail brush up against her legs. She gave an inward smile as he mentally thanked her for helping him at the docks. 'No problem.' She replied through mindspeach. She sensed that the smaller female, Eda, was nervous in groups, but, she was also glad to be around others. Shadow guessed she wasn't very used to company. She wondered how Eda would handle the Fylv's flirting. "Well, now that we're all pretty much aquainted, where do you want to go?"
  15. Eda smiled as she looked up at Fylv, "Besides... a lunch might just make me forget about you scaring me half to death." she winked and laughed a little looking back to Shadow as she posed the question of where to go, "You know... since I have been here I haven't gone out really. So I don't know what places are the good ones, besides... I'm a little nervous about going to heavily populated areas... you have no idea how huge of a step this is for me." a twinge of shame could be heard in her voice. She really did want to be 'normal' socially. She didn't enjoy being a recluse, it was mainly out of necessity that she remained so. Who knows, perhaps one of these three could help her get a handle on things.
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