Rewriting/Revamping the Feydragons

Thread in 'Game-Related' started by Nasuella, Apr 4, 2013.

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  1. Okay. So lots of people know about the Feydragons - if not, they're a subspecies that I created years ago, after I got into a slight obsession with faeries (Fairies? Fayries? Whatever.).

    Looking back now, the description is... how do I say it... rediculously undetailed? Embarassingly old? (How old was I when I wrote it? Fifteen?) Either way, I think that the Feydragon page is badly in need of rewriting.

    So I'm planning on doing that or getting someone to do it for me :P.

    "What's with the 'Open to suggestions' thing?" Ah... it means exactly what it says. I want input and ideas from people on the Feydragons. It does help to listen to other people, after all. :P (Just keep in mind that things could get really awkward if there was a really drastic change.)

    Update! Thanks to Jodie, I can now edit the Feydragon page on Ramath-lehi's wiki. Head there for a more up-to-date version of the description. It's still not done, by and large, but I'm getting there.


    And while it's still a WIP, I'd like to thank everyone who helped. :heart:
  2. Rewriting some of the Character Species is one of the things I've been planning on doing. Sadly, I either never have the time or I'm too distracted by other things (aka SSBB. Awesomest. Game. Evar.)

    That aside, most of this is good, however, minor details need to be expanded on. For example, the types of hybrids in the species. Can't think of much else to add. It's like.. 1:42 in the morning and I just recently got back home. I'll see what I can do about this later.
  3. Man, yes. It'd be wicked awesome if they were expanded upon. I've been slowly working on fixing up all the content on the site.

    I also love the idea of Fromina-infused tattoos. ^^
  4. <table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>Rewriting some of the Character Species is one of the things I've been planning on doing. Sadly, I either never have the time or I'm too distracted by other things (aka SSBB. Awesomest. Game. Evar.)

    That aside, most of this is good, however, minor details need to be expanded on. For example, the types of hybrids in the species. Can't think of much else to add. It's like.. 1:42 in the morning and I just recently got back home. I'll see what I can do about this later.</td></tr></table>

    You procrastinate? I'd say "Shame on you"... except that it'd make me a MASSIVE hypocrite! :P

    Maybe I could expand a little on the hybrids. I don't want to expand on it too much... mostly because it'd be stating the obvious if the reader had basic (at least) knowledge of how genetics work. (By the by, I meant hybrids with other subspecies. And pendragons, of course. Although hybrids between different types of Feydragon are possible.)

    <table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>Man, yes. It'd be wicked awesome if they were expanded upon. I've been slowly working on fixing up all the content on the site.

    I also love the idea of Fromina-infused tattoos. ^^</td></tr></table>

    Yeah... thinking about that, I might expand a little on why they use Fromina-infused tattoos. Off the top of my head, I'm thinking that they'd do it partly because it'd be much cleaner than the needles/ink method, and partly because it could be done in a way that would be almost painless.

    Oh, and... this is still only partly done. I've still got some ideas to put down and whatnot. My biggest concern is with the different types of Feydragon; I'm still not sure how to approach that one.
  5. They could have Fromina-infused tattoos because they're such an age-old species. Before any technology was involved in life, they used spells and magic to help carve their marks.

    I love what the Feydragons are like at the moment, but would like to see more elaboration on their sub-categories. I had an idea that the Alanamsul fey might also have some scales on their body, similar to insects? Describe, at length, the overall population in general. Do they have tails similar to those of pendragons (which I assume is yes)?

    Maybe... discuss what their society's are like? What is the primary focus of different fey groups, the general consensus among the Fey people? More or less, try to consider another ethnic/cultural group you know of, and then look back to the Fey, thinking as if they were similar. What can be expanded?
  6. I'd suggest not to do too much on the hybrid. Logically (science with chromosomes and what nots), breeding with different subspecies/species would have complications and a short life span. Though some might actually make a offsprings stronger or more beautiful.
  7. <table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> I'd suggest not to do too much on the hybrid. Logically (science with chromosomes and what nots), breeding with different subspecies/species would have complications and a short life span. Though some might actually make a offsprings stronger or more beautiful.</td></tr></table>

    I didn't want to expand on hybrids a lot... now I have an excuse not to! XP

    Really, though, I agree. Also, I feel that it should ultimately be up to a player's imagination (and judgement) as to how any hybrid turns out. I'm thinking that the best way to expand on them would be to explain Fey attitudes towards hybrids.

    (Of course, in some Fey groups it'd be blasphemy!)

    <table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> They could have Fromina-infused tattoos because they're such an age-old species. Before any technology was involved in life, they used spells and magic to help carve their marks.

    I love what the Feydragons are like at the moment, but would like to see more elaboration on their sub-categories. I had an idea that the Alanamsul fey might also have some scales on their body, similar to insects? Describe, at length, the overall population in general. Do they have tails similar to those of pendragons (which I assume is yes)?

    Maybe... discuss what their society's are like? What is the primary focus of different fey groups, the general consensus among the Fey people? More or less, try to consider another ethnic/cultural group you know of, and then look back to the Fey, thinking as if they were similar. What can be expanded?</td></tr></table>

    First off: wow. Those are some really helpful suggestions... I thank thee. :D (This illustrates one of the reasons why I started the thread in the first place!)

    That explanation for Fromina-infused tattoos makes a lot of sense; when I read it I went, "Why didn't I think of that?!"

    And I'm glad you made suggestions about the sub-categories; that's what I'm having the most trouble with. There are some changes I'd like to make, but I'm kinda hesitant to make them (like having the Myshemd split between Kytlekh-worshippers and non-Kytlekh-worshippers) because I'm worried about how it would affect some characters.

    Yes, they do have similar tails to pendragons. Pretty much the same, actually.

    Ooh, societies... that's a tough one. But it's definitely food for thought (and brainstorming), so... I'll have to do some thinking. Maybe I could read some fairy stories if I get stuck. *brick'd*

    *goes off to edit first post!*
  8. II. Telbaj
    As their name, meaning "silver", suggests, the Telbaj Feydragons tend to stay on the neutral side of things. They can essentially be normal pendragons in the sense that they typically worship more than one god. Their wings vary - they can be normal feathered wings, leathery wings, or even insect wings. They can touch upon a range of elements in elemental sorcery, but making up for variety is lack of power: their spells can never be as powerful as spells in a specialized element.

    Just to throw in some ideas,

    II. Telbaj

    As their name suggest, the Telbaj (silver) Feydragons tend to stay on the neutral side of things, so it will be rare to ever see them take sides in a arguments. They can essentially be like normal pendragons, in the view they sorship more then one god, there have been some cases were that was not true. They can have feathered wings, like that of a normal pendragons, full of color or one color. The can also have the dragon/bat like wings, or even colorful insect wings.

    or something of the effect, well I'm out of time for this post, have fun thinking it over.
  9. because the fey are so old, i would imagine they have their own sort of heirarchy or form of government, like they answer to the council of thirteen, yes, but they also have seperate laws and political customs saved just for themselves? I dunno, just throwing it out there.
  10. that sounds like a great idea, siak.
  11. Topic revival, for various reasons.

    Siaka: That idea makes a lot of sense. Given the whole "seperate societies" thing, having their own laws and government would be implied (at least to me), but I think it'd be worth mentioning anyway.

    Answering to the Council of Thirteen... now there's food for thought. Would there be an overall Fey government? How would they have reacted to the major power shifts in the main Ramathian government - especially the change from the Council of Twelve to the Council of Thirteen? What would be the societies' relations to the outside world?

    There would undoubtedly be conflicts within the Fey societies themselves - how would that affect their relations to mainstream Ramathian society? And what would the Feydragons living in the outside world think of Fey government? Ramathian government? Would any have even tried to gain positions of power?

    Wow. So many questions... so much to think about. @_@ I'll need to brainstorm! And do some research as well.

    On another note, I randomly came up with a few Fey-related ideas some time ago. One idea was that the Alanamsul, Azetsum and (some) Myshemd might traditionally refer to themselves as "children of [deity]". So a Reda (Fire) Alanamsul might refer to themself as a child of Reda, for example. Of course, not everyone follows tradition, and some would think of that as rediculous.

    Some would think of it as potentially life-threatening - the Myshemd come to mind here.

    Also, I (vaguely) remember a suggestion from waaay back that suggested that the Fey might speak an old form of Ramathian. I'm honestly not too sure about that, but it does make me wonder - perhaps it's not uncommon to be able to speak, or at least read Ramathian in Feydragon societies?

    Much brainstorming still needs to be done, I sees. *goes off to edit first post... and brainstorm*
  12. I like the idea of some of them referring to themselves as "children of so-and-so." I think that it'd really tie them in even more with their specific types, plus it's just a nice little addition. :)
  13. Yes, another topic revival.

    I've come up with a draft of the physical description. Comments? Suggestions? Exclaimations of surprise at snuck-in additions? Screams of "ZOMG" at the possible new name for the Telbaj? Completely unrelated declarations of bananas? (Okay, maybe not completely unrelated declarations of bananas...)

  14. Ooo... it reads smooth like silk. :)

    And I'm going to have to say it again, I really really like the ideas surrounding the tattoos.

    ZOMG! XD I'm not opposed to the new name at all.
  15. Shriker: "Smooth like silk"? Woah. Coming from you... that's one of the biggest compliments on my writing I've ever gotten (so far)! Heh, looking at the old description it's easy to see I've come a long way...
    And I think you've replied the most on this topic. Not that it's a bad thing, mind. Quite the opposite, I think.

    *ahem* Speaking of descriptions, I've written some more, this time looking at the Alanamsul and the species history.

    Again, I'd love comments and suggestions (and maybe critique?).
  16. so i really like the name change from Telbaj (Kynnyn is lovelier!) and i agree, it's all a very smooth read.

    though, a thought...
    what if a Feydragon of one subcategory seems to carry the personality characteristics/culture of another culture? i.e. if Phet'knis has a sudden change of heart and switched to worshiping another deity?
  17. Just to revive this!

    Kwoiffei, I've added you to the Wiki user group. That way you'll be able to edit/organize things a little better. :)

    The feydragon article is here if you would like to take a stab at editing it: wiki/index.php?title=Feydragon
  18. *falls out of chair*

    Wha--but I--that means--holy pinecones!

    *speechless for a few minutes*

    (Being a little overdramatic here. ;P A little.)

    Thank you, Jodie. Not what I was expecting at all, though I guess that's obvious. Guess who rushed off to make changes to the Feydragon wiki page? It's still not done, by and large, but hey! It's progress! And I finally figured a few things out, so it's all good.

    Being a frequenter of another wiki probably helps, but that's going off-topic. Thanks. ^^
  19. Something I've been interested to know is how seamlessly the Feys can integrate into society. Reading on the Wiki that more needs to be discussed, I'm giving their social status some thought.

    From the outset, I would imagine a backwater Pendragon to view any Fey as being rather backwards themselves - perhaps more so than the Pendragon.

    In one hand you could have a cliqué based structure, but that seems too divided as a general rule of thumb. You've described their lifestyle as being tribal by nature, but what about city lifestyle? Do Feys who leave their clans to pursue lives in bigger cities have habits carried through? Do they immediately absorb city life and become one of the crowd? Are they quick to drop their habits? Do they prefer to live in any kind of specific locations - atmospheres, air conditions, close to anything? As in... could there be an underlying trait in Feys which can perpetuate among most (if not all) of them? Other ideas might be how do they dress their homes? Are certain things disallowed within Fey homes?

    In Russian, 4 lettered swear words are referred to as "Holy words" or "Special words" reserved for times of great, intense pressure - such as war. Could the Fey prefer not to say certain words because it might offend a Numegola on a superstitious level? Within their own circles is there a method of bartering? Do they have particular laws that must be obeyed and are there any kind of internal punishments? Are they generally ritualistic or much more flexible than that? What do they think of self-mutilation to make them fit better into society? Do any practise this? (Really... don't ask why I picked THAT as a question). What kind of internal belief is there about how the body is treated? They have Fronima tattoos (which I think rocks by the way!), so is that to suggest that they prefer not to artificially alter their appearances?

    Just how tied to one thing are they?

    Some thoughts.
  20. Two reasons for this post.

    Reason #1: I've updated the Wiki page, with a write-up on the Kynnyn. In thinking about what to write for this group - such as how to make it more enticing for potential PCs - I thought about one of phylus's questions... and then I hit upon an idea which I thought was brilliant. For a few moments I wondered if it was too simplistic, but then I realised that it being simplistic would be great for problem/storyline potential.

    For convenience, I'll post the write-up here as-is.

    (I wanted to include a note on "true" Kynnyn having widely varied appearances, but I couldn't figure out a way of putting it in without disrupting the flow of the sentence. Any ideas?)

    Reason #2 is to respond to Dumu's post.

    I gotta say - thanks. All that has been major food for thought. To be honest, one of the reasons I created my character Binail was to explore a Fey's life with his clan and with Ramathian society. How would these two different environments shape his personality? What treatment would he experience from non-Fey - or Fey from more conservative clans? How could his younger brother graffiti things with Biokinesis? (Okay, that last one's not so serious, but Bin's brother isn't meant to be a serious character anyway. Think of him as comic relief... if and when he turns up!)

    On the page, I mentioned that "Light Is Not Good" and "Dark Is Not Evil" under the Azetsum and Myshemd paragraphs respectively. I'll be honest: that's because I thought the idea of an evil Azetsum fighting a good Myshemd would be awesome. Of course, I always had the idea that not all Myshemd would be bad, but that's just my love of "dark is not evil" showing through.
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