
Thread in 'Ramathian Scrolls' started by Demetria, Oct 31, 2005.

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  1. Kaylen yawned and gave a fake snile. She said <span style='color:purple'>Well i really hope i didnt bother yall to much but i think i should go. Thanks for the company though it made me feel a lot better.</span> She summoned her cane and stood up to leave. While standing up a vision came back to her making her head feel as though it was on fire. She reached up touched her head and fainted. She hit the ground with a resounding THUNK.
  2. Chz stood up and smiled at Jyt and was about to respond when, Kaylen stood up and hit the ground. She rushed over to her. "Kaylen? Are you alright? Can I help?" She looked at Kaylen with a worried look on her face.
  3. I guess she's gonna be staying, Jy said observing from the side.

    ooc: sorry it took so long but PSATs are ebil
  4. Kaylen didn't move at all except for a small amount of time when she opened her eyes to still be met by pure blackness. She let out the simple word "Vision." before falling back into a blank state.
  5. Chz quickly went into the other room and grabbed a blanket. She walked back into the room and covered Kaylen with it. She turned and sat on the floor. "I hope she will be alright." She closed her eyes for a moment, and opened them back up. She layed down on the floor and just stared up at the ceiling, not quite sure what to do or say.

    ooc: Np having comp issues so have to borrow roommates here and there.
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