Radin Dragyn / Taberah Dragyn / Lakmir Grader

Thread in 'Game-Related' started by shriker, Apr 4, 2013.

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  1. That "yes" was only slightly creepy. ~_~

    This makes me want to write up some more character profiles... rrr.
  2. omg, that 'yes' scared the beeeejesuz out of me!

    i had the volume wayyyy louder than i thought!


    but yay congrats!

    Go on jodie, you know you want to :P
  3. bahaha...
  4. -giggles- That "yes" was a little scary.

    Like, psychopath-scary. <__<
  5. its the churchhill dog on a rampage! O__O'

    he's gunna lower our life expectany! not our home insurance!
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