Prison Break!

Thread in 'Ramathian Scrolls' started by Sieben, Apr 4, 2013.

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  1. <font color='#FFFF00'>Looks over her shoulder at him then turns to her fully. Licks her lips a bit and rising back to her hind paws like a human. Tilts her head a bit and smirks. "Well, I was a singer...and as what I have described I'm a thief as well." Looks down slowly and rubs the back of her neck slightly then looks back up at him. "Why do you ask?" Winks at Tox then walks over to him. Reaches a hand out and touches his face.</font>
  2. <font color='#FF7F00'>He frowned. She had a profession already.

    This would complicate things. He might draw unwanted publicity to himself if he were to summon her to aid him in his muderous job. Not from her would this attention come, but from those she worked with. They were undoubtedly kind souls and would be concerned if she was frequently absent.

    He sighed and shook his head once more, smirking as he did so. He would've expected as much from a female.

    "Oh.. nothing femmora. I just thought.. no.. nevermind.."
    He said, knowing she would desire him to elaborate..</font>
  3. <font color='#FFFF00'>Blinks and glares at him as he stopped from telling her about what he did. Licks her lips a bit and croses her arms as she stood there looking to the ground. Why won't he tell about his trade or profession? Is he afraid that I would laugh or something?! Looks back up at him and growls slightly showing her teeth. "So, why don't you tell me about your profession and why you was so interested in mine, Hmmm?" Laughs and steps back away from him shaking her head.</font>
  4. <font color='#FF7F00'>He smirked again.

    "Oh.. no reason.. just looking ofr an aid of sorts.."</font>
  5. <font color='#FFFF00'>"Really...", walks back up towards him then places both of her arms about his neck. Spiral leans in close to his ear and whispers to him. "Would I not serve as a good aid to you, pretty boy?" As she finishes speaking, Spiral runs her tongue along the base of Tox to the point of it then draws back from him.</font>
  6. <font color='#FF7F00'>He ginned slyly. Ahh... femles.. so annoying and yet.. so.. interesting..

    He shook the brief feeling off. He remembered quickly that he must keep his guard up. After all, this fae was just as dangerous as he was.

    He laughed in a flirty manner.

    "Oh.. Pretty am I?"

    He refocused on his original intent. He wanted her as an assitant. He mustn't forget that was his mission right now, not pleasing this.. female..

    "I'm looking for a helper. To help me do my work. You seem the type for the kind of work I do.."

    // OoC \\ -- !02 posts and counting! YEEHAW!!</font>
  7. <font color='#FFFFFF'>From deep within the pipe came a slight noise, a hint of unnoticed approach. From the darkness of the dank tube emerged a pendragon into sunlight. The rays sparkled off of her black scales and fur, slightly mussed from imprisonment and fighting. Red locks hung before her long, elegant face, deep set exotic eyes gleaming from the depths of her skull, framed by long horn-like ears that extend stiffly down her neck. She was foreign looking, and her accent confirmed it, a soft, ringing voice of both wisdom and youth. She laughed as she viewed the scene, the two escapees, arms locked and gazes heated. Surely this could spell some fun.

    “Sorry to interrupt.”

    She chuckled and leapt from the end of the pipe, her softly muscled body landing in a graceful posture, both elegant and dangerous. She tosses her head upwards, removing the short red hair from her ebony eyes, and looks over the two, her glance calculated and quick, searching for hostility. Finding none, her poise relaxes, and she ceases the flicking of her deadly tailblade.

    “Well, in any case, thanks for showing me the way out, fae.”

    The thanks was more flippant than sincere, but she made no move to leave, peering back into the tube for some unknown reason.</font>
  8. <font color='#FF7F00'>The pipe, on other days barren, seemed today to be giving birth to all sorts of surprises. Not to be one to let this opportune distraction go to waste, someone else had taken advantage of the new path out, announcing their success with a loud thunk of fur and bone colliding with metal. A fourth voice could be heard chiming in from within the bowels of the cylinder.

    "Bloody 'ell, y'think they coulda made this a proper escape route and raised the roof an inch or two?"

    Finally, looking somewhat frazzled but none the worse for the wear, out came yet another 'dragon, irridescent fur streaked with dirt and grime and now flecked with whatever it was that was in that disgusting pipe. Following him was the dull blue light of his tailtip, struggling to cast its bright beams through the thick coating of grime that had gathered upon it.

    "Aye, what've we got here then mate? The two li'l ankle-biters who helped us out this joint? I tell ya I been bloody tits about arse looking for a break from this rotten place and these two nibblets seemed to have been our blasted gift from the primes! Good show then, but there's still the issue of what to do with the buggers... shall we allow them their existences a day longer?"

    A hearty chuckle rumbled from deep in his chest as he slowly began circling the two, ears lowered, maw contorted into a devilish grin, and frame lowered to the ground as if ready to strike at any moment.

    "Ah, decisions, decisions. We're taught to be grateful for what's given to us, but who listens to philosophy anyway? Maybe I'll have something more to be grateful for once I take a proper look through your belongings and take what pleases me? Hopefully you don't mind, because it'd be a mighty shame if I'd have to hurt you, innit true, 'Haret?"

    His thick cockneye accent slurred his words, dirtying them and contorting each syllable as a curse...</font>
  9. <font color='#810541'>Maharet lauged as he clunked his head on the pipe. His own fault for being male and so much larger. She sat poised, eyes eager and tail nervous like a cat, awainting the mouse hunt's beginning. She rolled her sparkling black eyes as he spoke, for surely he talked too much. She undulated from her relaxed postition as he made the demand, extending her ample claws in a cat-like stretch. A soft smile played her features, making her a more serious compliment to her louder partner.

    "Don't speak of philosephy, you make my head ill. But be sensible- surely the female has no posessions, having escaped as we."

    She paused, ever observant, and the smile deepened, more a grin of the eyes than the mouth, which was now set in a cocky expression of arrogance.

    "The male looks quite better off, I should think, my dear."

    She too began to pace, circling the two "ankle biters" with feline grance and deadliness.

    "But twould be rude to interrupt, of course. We should let them finish what they've started."

    The same grin again, sophisticated and elegant, with a naughty coy twist. She was no average rouge.</font>
  10. <font color='#FF7F00'>The 'dragon shook his head subtly, tossing his hat off-balance and tipping the brim up so his eyes were now clearly visible. In them could be seen a gaze of undisguised evil, cast upon the two "innocents" they had ambushed. The punkish grin upon his maw expanded, and behind it could be seen two rows of sharp, white teeth, gritted together tightly as he snorted softly, "Aye, yes..."

    "Puppy love, adorable, innit?"

    He took a quick, sharp step inward, snapping his teeth towards the two, tightening his ever-closing circle.

    "However, who're we to be worrying about rudeness? Seems like the truth'd be we have less business being polite."

    He cast his gaze at the strange femme and then back at Maharet, "Aye, 'Erret, sommat with the lass bothers me to no end, I insist that when we're through I get to personally slit her throat... Psh, small-time crooks irritate me so."</font>
  11. <font color='#810541'>Maharet laughed once more, her ringing peals echoing off the stone walls of the prison.

    "You do what you like, 'Ductor, i care not. But frankly, something about that boyo irks me. We can each take one on."

    She smirked, glinting teeth peeking from her parted lips. Still, she circles, watching the pair with cold ebony eyes.  

    "I did get the easier job. He does not seem like he could beat up a dead rodent."</font>
  12. <font color='#FFFF00'>Upon hearing the sounds of her new coming enemies, Spiral drops back down onto her forepaws and smirks at the sight of these two strange 'dragons. "Well, I take it that the guards was less unfortune not to capture you twos. I believes that you are as free as I be to do as one wishes." Laughs aloud and kneels down into a attacking position, takes in a deep breath and the spikes that ran on down her backside resurface. Upon doing this her pale white eyes fade to black causing her to loose any shame in about what she was about to do. "So, I suggest you go about your business and let us alone. If you value your lives." Spiral winced a bit in pain as she flicked her tail outward causing razor like blades to sprout from her tail.</font>
  13. <font color='#FF7F00'>'Duct glanced at the puny female and couldn't help but chuckle. The chuckling bubbled forth in to an eruption of uproarious laughter and he glanced at her, smiling matter-of-factly in her direction, his guard still up, but his body appearing to relax,

    "Aye, missy, you expect too much from yourself, put that thing away."

    He glanced at her tailblade with a smirk, "You must learn how to wield that right proper. You're only going to make a mess of yourself. Please, don't make a bad situation worse for yourself, dearie."

    He smiled warmly back at 'Haret, "The poor munchkin, this must be rather tr'matic for her, eh?"

    A quick flick of his tail extended outward a deadly, scythe-like blade, glowing just as his tail did, "Must you try my patience? Really, just give up and I may have mercy upon you. Aye, we could make your death quick and painless..."</font>
  14. <font color='#FF7F00'>Tox glared at these new faces.

    How rude of them to interupt me..
    He thought angrily.

    He snarled and loped over to the newcomers. How DARE they just jump in like that.

    "I don't know who you two are.. but ye'd best explain yoursleves.."
    He grunted.

    He glanced back at Spiral.

    "Seems we've some uninvited guests fae.."</font>
  15. <font color='#FF7F00'>Once again, the male couldn't help but snort at the situation unfolding before him. Was this 'dragon truly out of his mind? Anyone could tell by a mere look that this was a creature who needed all the friends he could get, and this was a situation in which there were not many of those at hand. Taunting your attackers would not be the most intelligent route to take.

    "Aye, child, truth is y'got no business asking us that, innit? Being the proper nice guy that I am, however, I'll introduce meself. I would be 'ductor, and that lovely specimen circling over there is Maharet. Together, we're more trouble than either of y'small timers could handle. Our business with you is simple - we want stuff. So if you could both be the little cherubs you are and give us said stuff, perchance we could pass through this rough patch in our shared life experiences and move on to bigger and better things. You two, particularly, will be moving on to a big and better place..."

    Behind him his tail swished through the air, then slashed at a sapling growing slightly off to his side. The plant instantly tipped sideways, cut cleanly through the stalk. Lowering himself on his haunches, he prepared himself for a pounce,

    "Of course, we -could- make this an all-about painful experience if you so desire..."</font>
  16. <font color='#FFFF00'>Spiral laughs at the walking tin can and licks her lips slowly. "Your so full of yourself, metalhead." Begins to swing her tail back and forth as she rose up from her kneeling position then follows along with his movements as he circles them. "Tox...keep an eye on that female, while I deal with this mech here." Smirks and glares at him as they continue to pace infront of each other.</font>
  17. <font color='#FF7F00'>"Aye, it saddens me. Such a waste. You know, exertion toughens the muscles... when we feed you to whatever animals are roaming about your meat will be all stringy. Such a shame, I doubt they'll eat it."

    The male lolled his tongue with a grin and sly wink, "It also saddens me to see such a femme go to waste. On any other day, I'd give you another blasted chance to escape but aye, I'd probably get more satisfaction from killing you than anything else." With this he raised his tail in the air, blade poised menacingly, "I bid thee adieu." With that he leapt forward, claws extended, deadly tail trailing close behind.</font>
  18. <font color='#810541'>Maharet watched the exchange, letting 'Ductor do the talking. In her opinnion, speech was overrated. They would kill the two whether they all knew each other's names or not, and trying to talk them out of it was quite useless. While 'Ductor had at it with the little fae, the onyx fatale circled the male, Tox, watching his actions. Surely he would be sensible enough to give up without a fight. He stood no chance.

    "Uninvited, did you say? Why, your little whore-friend led us out. I should say we had quite the invitation."

    She noted his snarl and tense expression, and her eyes ridges raised in question, obsidian bladed tail still flicking in mild annoyance.

    "Surely, dear, you don't think of engaging me? I shall rip you apart if you do not hand over your possesions at once, but of course another rouge such as yourself can see that you shall loose them either way."

    She smirked, exotic features deceptively delicate, though stacked muscle rippled beneath her hard armour of scale, skin and fur.</font>
  19. <font color='#FFFF00'>After hearing the speech she shakes her head slowly and looks away from him. "So, foolish you are to mess with a 'dragon of absolute strength." just as he jumped out at her she reacted in the same tone of agression. Jumping at the male with her forepaws extended with all claws showing and bared teeth as well.</font>
  20. <font color='#FF7F00'>The male 'dragon hit the ground and quickly took a sideways roll, right back up on to his feet. Staying low to the ground, ears pointed backward and face twisted in to a snarl, he growled deeply. Up until now he'd been able to maintain his composure - but the heat was on and now adrenalin coarsed through his veins, driving him to anger and tensing his muscles, causing both his mind and heart to race.

    "Aye, you might as well give up now lass because you're fighting a proper enemy now! You've no idea what you're getting yourself in to!"

    Staying low, he charged toward her, and when he got as close as he could and still feel safe, he took a complete turn, sweeping his deadly tail out in an arc right in the direction of Spiral.</font>
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