or a THREAD with PLOY! he is receiving the least amount of attention and feels left out. if anybody is interested... i was thinking Ajita...
I suppose I could lend a hand. Don't think I had a private thread with you yet, besides from the This is Tumhuem.
ohooo! my pretties! sia, darkeyed. what did you have in mind, each individually...? and do either of you have preference for a private or all welcome thread?
I don't particularly mind a private or open thread, my brain just goes sort of shot if there are more than 4-5 people in the thread P= I'm also up for anything, any of my characters, etc, etc.
well, i think Ploy might get into some sort of policing force in the near future. so, i'm thinking... Sia, if you have any criminal sort of types and want to cause drama... (; we could do that. Jynx, hmn, what do you thnyx we could do? i mean, for plot ideas (;
i was actually thinking it might be cute if Jynx and Ploy had a thread. (: although i'm not really certain under what circumstance a little girl might talk to a scarred old arden like him.
Hmm...well, since Jynx has lived in the desert all her life, she could go to the fishing piers and almost drown because she sees something shiny in the water, and then Ploy saves her while he's fishing?
this is for you, Elena: http://shadowlack.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=6616http://shadowlack.com/forums/index ... topic=6616</a> Danny-boy, you could join our thread above, or... well, if you have a character that we might be able to make an interesting plot with... oh! how about Abigail? i don't know in what scenario she'd be using her gun, but it would be fun to have her encourage Ploy to try it out. i'm trying to give him a foundation of skills to be in the policing force, or something similar. if all goes well, it could be Abigail who is the one who recommends Ploy to the police academy.
sorry for not replying in so long, i totally forgot i'd posted to here XD But yeah, I have a couple possible candidates, the only real 'criminal' character I have though is Lisad, Leehara might indulge in criminal activity were it beneficial to her, but I've also got Czaryne, and he does stuff with Law, so that's also theoretically possible?
dan/dark, do you mind starting, actually? i'm absolutely dead right now. and sia-kakakakaka, let's so cza and ploy. it would be cute to have a little fey-guy enlighten ploy on law.