[PICTURE] thread 2009 (!) Jodie's still alive. Just have a lot on my plate at the moment, and I really, really need to hit up a post office. Ta da. I cut my hair myself again, and this time gave myself a pseudo-mullet. It's a lot shorter in the front than what I'm used to. I can actually see. o_o;
Yeah, she looks cool too. i'd say psychotic for you, Alex Here's me posing for a magazine. Think it's magazine worthy??
Re: [PICTURE] thread 2009 (!) hurr. i dont take pictures often. and im not taking pictures of my right now XD im in my PJs >. > i dont have any i can post cept the ones you guys already saw of grad in the last photothread.
Re: [PICTURE] thread 2009 (!) Hm... still waiting for more of these to show up. Anyway, this past weekend was PLEX (Prairie Lindy Exchange). Met quite a few cool people from Edmonton, Winnipeg, and a bunch of other Canadian cities. Oh-ho, I'm dancing. One of my new hobbies.
Re: [PICTURE] thread 2009 (!) Oh you canadians and your dancing. :P I will have new pics up soon hopefully. BTW- Dumu, you have always looked psychotic to me ;)
Re: [PICTURE] thread 2009 (!) I like it when people just randomly pop on by. :) I've got a newt shirt!
Re: [PICTURE] thread 2009 (!) I paintballed yesterday with my new blinging gold mask. Hurray for new season.
Re: [PICTURE] thread 2009 (!) I was feeling bored. Took these with the webcam on my laptop. Anyway, should update my photo shoot. Listening to GHOST by Gackt. Japanese, must love it :)
Re: [PICTURE] thread 2009 (!) More paintball pics, cause im sexy like that. Rawr Walking with my buddy, Troy "Boo boo" I like to crawl like an epic BAMF Such a BAMF Troy agrees. I'm so bamf.
Re: [PICTURE] thread 2009 (!) Ehehehe Leech, that first one looks like such a SUV/Truck commercial! xD
Re: [PICTURE] thread 2009 (!) I know! Paintball is amazing. I got a scenario event this weekend, then next weekend I have a tournament to play! yayyyyy!