Players Wanted omg... it lives!

Thread in 'Game-Related' started by Secret Destiny, Jun 26, 2010.

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  1. m'kay.. so it's been what... a year? since i RPed last... dear lord... so anyone who wants to start a thread and has the ability to put up with my rusty skills ? if ya do pick a character and we can get a rp started ^.^
  2. *waves his hand.* Welcome back and I would like to rp. Every one of my characters are still open.
  3. okay ^^ how about your Kycen Highwyn and my Takjas Patsemi.

    location location is next step to figure out

    how about... City of Aurius? Takjas could be working down there. she's a waitress for now out of nessecity. figure out a plot from there.
  4. Characters seem a perfect selection. On the location, I thought the city of Aurius was still being repaired or was hit hard? But sure that sounds good.
  5. did i miss something big? >.> i read the thing on it. it said nothing about being destroyed... i see no public announcements about it being destroyed.. if it was destroyed shouldn't there be one of those? o.0

    either way would you like to make the first post or shall i attempt it? doesn't matter either way to me ^.^
  6. It was either damaged badly or destoryed, I think it was damaged from the flucuation of Fronima and crazed dragon.

    Could you start. ^^
  7. there we go started it ^^

    heres the link


    i scanned the thread where it's destoyed.. it was a year ago. i think it'll be fine

    -- Mon Jun 28, 2010 12:09 pm --

    oh sure NOW i see it.. pfft... *sigh* okay im going to edit and move the thread... i wish there was some sort of update on how everythings doing.. it was a year ago... god knows whats happening now >.<

    ~moved~ new link ^^: posting.php?mode=post&f=21
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