<font color='#00FF00'><font color=sienna face=tahoma><blockquote>Tuk nudged her gently, as if urging her to step ahead of him. It was a gesture that he hoped looked enough like an uncle for others to presume he truly was her relative. Shaking his head gently as if realizing it was better for him to walk ahead, he padded forward, glancing back to see if she followed. Preferably, they would walk side by side, so that they were both equally safe. Of course, safety depended on percepctive, seeing as Bhim wasn't really a very safe place, overall. Even with the pair together, they were liable to get into some sort of trouble. Most pendragons ignored them now, though fleeting glances were tossed their way from time to time. Finally lowering his head, ears flitting back slightly to listen to the pawsteps of his companion (and those of the surrounding 'dragons), the male finally managed to reply to her earlier comments. <font color=gray>{Mm... I shall have to speak to him about sticking with his younger sister. Gods know what could have happened. An' you know we don't have the money to ransom you, if someone got it in their mind to try anything like that. In any case, where do you last remember having seen him, we had best seek him out once more. Lest he get himself lost.}</font> He said, as if resigned to the fact that they would have to find the supposed brother.</font>
<font color='#ABCDEF'><table width=300> Morgan moved up, walking next to him, and glanced furtively around. The pair was getting a few glances, but none of interest, she noticed with relief. She really wasn't in the mood for a fight at the moment. Which meant if they did get in a fight, she wouldn't care enough to kill her opponents. And in the end, she'd be killed out of revenge. Morgan knew how the thieves and gangs of Bhim worked. Remembering the role she was acting out, the femme widened her eyes. They were filled with fear of the dark and its horrors, and relief of being found by her caring uncle. Hearing the masc's inquiry, she pretended to think, when she was actually making up a lie. It didn't take long, and she answered the question, telepathic orals injected with enough honesty and innocence to fool anybody. It was all too easy. { He was in the main market of Bhim. He wandered off while I was looking at a pair of beautiful earrings that were too expensive for me to get. He's probably back there now, searching for me. Mother and Father would be furious if he came home without me. Of course, they'll be angry at us for being so late too...} she said, falling easily into the guise of an unjaded female withs wants just like the rest of them. After all, she had been one of those guileless fools not too long ago. Before reality had slapped her in the face, its ugly face grinning at its cruel joke. </table></font>
<font color='#00FF00'><font color=sienna face=tahoma><blockquote>Tuk's attention was momentarily drawn away from the matter at paw, the young "niece" of his. Instead, the spy's attention turned to the surrounding area. Where were they, exactly? Ah, yes, he recognized that portion. Quickly, the master began to create a map in his mind of the place where they were, and if any of his boon companions lived nearby. Or, even, someone he knew vaguely, that would at least momentarily assist in dispelling the fleeting interest of a few lingering watchers. Eyes flashed momentarily with worry and thought, which was exactly as he wanted them to, as if he were actually searching for a way out of here, how to get back to the main marketplace, or where ever the female decided to pretend his "nephew" was. Dark gray lobes swivelled forward attentively, then swung around, listening to the other sounds of the surrounding area. There had to be more that he had missed in his initial realization of where they were. Immedietly, he recognized the soft sounds of paws that signified an assasin was near. He had trained long and hard to figure out the sounds of an assasin, seeing as he had to avoid them, but also work with them. Narrowing his eyes, he glanced around, though he made the movement appear natural, an uncle peering about for suspicious characters, to keep himself and his niece safe from harm. He quickly figured out which other 'dragon was the assasin trained, and was relieved to see that the normal looking female was not planning anything against himself and Morgan. The assasin's attention was on a golden male, one that seemed as easily normal as the female. Eh, well, as long as it wasn't them that was targeted, he was fine with assasins. His straying attention returned once more to his companion as she sent him a telpathic response to his last set of words. For a moment he stared at her, puzzled, then remembered what he had last said. To onlookers, it probably looked like he was trying to figure something out, more'n likely, about how to get to his nephew. <font color=gray>{You know your dallying will someday get you killed. Someone might mistake you for someone important, and try to assasinate you... earrings. Pah, I bought some for you on your birthday. Mm... as for your brother, he will be in for a world of hurt when your father finds out he left you. Probably wandered off trailing some pretty female.}</font> He said with a glint of merry mischief as he suggested what the supposed brother had been doing.</font>
<font color='#ABCDEF'><table width=300> Morgan's cocoa splashed oculi roved the region as the spy contemplated where they were. She knew where they stood, as she had known where the were in terms of buildings and streets when she had tried to lose her pursuer. The femme glanced at the male, watching him look around. For what, she could not discern. Probably someone to play nephew in their little roleplay. Flicking her ears languidly, she realized the point was lost. They were not being watched or pursued by anybody any longer. No minds were concentrated on them, from what Morgan could tell. Their ploy had worked, and no one was interested in the pair, for now. Great. Now Morgan could figure out why the male had been so interested in her, and then leave for somewhere quiet. Rustling the soft ebony feathers of her wings, she returned her attention to the masc standing next to her. { No one's paying any attention to us now. } she said to him, orals lowered to a mindwhisper that no one would hear unless they were concentrating. Despite her almost certainty that they had lost the other 'dragons interest, it didn't pay to be careless. Morgan didn't feel like losing her life now. Not yet. </table></font>
<font color='#00FF00'><font color=sienna face=tahoma><blockquote>Narrowed eyes flickered across to the assasin again as she sidled close to himself and Morgan. Though the killer's attention still appeared to be focused on the golden mascu, the spy was taking no chances when it came to his safety. As far as Morgan went, he would defend her as well as he could, but he wasn't going to get himself killed over a stranger. In fact, Tuk realized, he didn't even know her name. That was a matter they would have to attend to, introductions. Whether or not she really wanted him to know her name, he couldn't just call and refer to her as "the female". After all, there were quite a few females on the Ramath Lehi surface, and if he merely called her that female he had met, then no one would know who the hell she was. Mostly, it would be in his own mind that he would refer to her, but, never the less, it seemed a better alternative to have at least an alias to refer to her by. Gray ears swiveled reflexively, taking in the sounds of the various other creatures, despite the fact that it appeared all interest had been lost in them. Wariness had never killed anyone, and quite a few had been killed by its opposite, carelessness. Slitted occuli watched the assasin until she had disappeared, still waiting for the proper time to hit off the golden male. Either that, or she was merely preparing herself for the proper time, trailing him for the moment. Perhaps it wasn't a hit off, after all, and they were lovers. One never knew, on the streets of Bhim. Most 'dragons with a price on their head, if they knew it, avoided Bhim, the worst place to be when an assasin wanted to kill you. The best place would probably be somewhere else, unless the least expected place would be the best place to be. It all depended on the perspective of the victim. Telepathic words whispered to him from the female beside him caused Tuk to half-turn his head her way, though he halted before focusing complete attention on her. No reason to draw attention to the fact that she had spoken. Now, though, he looked at her, nodding silently, then replying in a similar tone. <font color=gray>{Aye, just had to be sure. Better to be safe then sorry. I'm not ready to enter Fromina permanantly yet. Now, before you start on some other topic, what is your name? Or at least something I can call you. Other then 'you' or 'that female'.}</font> Tuk said, going right to the point of his prior thoughts.</font>
<font color='#ABCDEF'><table width=320> The femme, about to descend upon her haunches, shook the settling dust out her feathers. Her auditives flicked nervously, though she knew no one was watching her. That could change within an instant, and she didn't wish that to happen. Her paws set into an easy gait t'ward the edge of the market and its crepuscular shadows. Her ebon pelt blended softly with the dark, only light glinting off her oculi surrendering her position. Morgan watched the male pard gazing suspiciously at a female, who was scoping a flaxen pelted mascu. She stared at the other female for a moment, assuring herself that there was no interest in directed to either of them. One could never be too careful, and four eyes were better than two. Especially if they were held by two different domes. Ochre splashed oculars swung to meet the male's. His question triggered a dull surprise within her. But hadn't she been wondering the same thing about him just a few moments ago? It was a fair question, as long as he returned the favor. As to whether she would give him her true name or not, Morgan had no aliases, and needed none. { Will you tell me your name, if I gift you with mine? } she enquired, wanting to know for sure before she declared her name. </table>{OOC: So sorry it took me so long to reply. I've been busy, and I've been having problems with my friends, so I wasn't in the mood. ><}</font>
<font color='#00FF00'><font color=sienna face=tahoma><blockquote>A feigned yawn escaped the male's muzzle, odd wings rustling softly as he shifted them. Glancing around as if bored, Tuk swiped idly at a pretty female 'dragon as she passed. The lady giggled, and continued on her way, as if she knew Tuk, and his intentions. Acting like bored nobility was often a way of drawing attention, but the killer's glint in his eyes warned away the few who began to draw closer to him, like mosquitos drawn to blood. Jaws clamped shut, and the cold glint in his eyes suggested an assasin, rather then the noble he had momentarily portrayed. Baffled, most remaining 'dragons spread out, hurrying away from the prospect of angering that calculating, coldblooded killer. Snickering mentally, the male didn't even look at Morgan as she replied. A soft chuckle escaped from his mind, extending to hers in humourous merriment. Surely he would, there was no reason not to. Despite the fact that he might just give an alias. Turning towards her as if he had just met her, the male continued to gaze coldly, calculatingly, at her. To continue the new farce he had created, that had cleared a lot of the lingering suspicions of anyone. Even if they had heard and seen all three of his guises, they'd probably presume he was a nobleborn assasin, uncle of the young Morgan. <font color=gray>{My names are numerous, but if I am gifted with your moniker, I will give you one. Perhaps it will be the true one, but I cannot promise. After all, I have to take precautions.}</font> The last sentance was apologetic, tinged with melancholy. The life of a Spy wasn't all fun and games, after all.</font>
<font color='#ABCDEF'><table width=320> Character:: Morgan Telepathy:: { Italics + Seperators. } <B>Speech:: "Bold + Quotations."[/b] Thoughts:: Italics. <HR Width=200> The ebony painted female watched his actions with a raised brow, wishing he would stop drawing attention to himself, despite the cold glare he gave anyone who looked his way. Not that anyone in particular wanted to attack her, that she knew of, but it didn't hurt to be cautious. She didn't have a wish to die today, though that hadn't always been true. She folded her pistons so she was in a sitting position, pitching more of her into dark shadows. Her eyes now seemed black once more, as she isolated herself, since she wasn't playing the innocent niece anymore. As fun as it had seemed at first, it wasn't who she was anymore, and it hurt. She listened to the spy's words, speculating. Her auditives laid back in a relaxed position upon her cranium as her black eyes observed him carefully. Her neck bowed slightly in a nod of agreement. { Very well. Since I have no alias, I will give you my true name. } she said, then paused for a moment, watching him with sharp eyes. { My name, is Morgan. } she continued, giving no last name. Just Morgan, although Tagryan had called her by Morgana every so often. Thinking of Tagryan had brought back some delicious memories. She had been in some glorious fights while she was along with him. That last one had almost cost them their lives, but it had been worth it. She couldn't wait to see how well Drak stood up to her when she was at full health. She had been half beaten when she first fought him, and had still won. A small grin crossed her visage temporarily, remembering. It was wiped clear soon afterwards, as she waited for the spy's reply, eyes waiting, expectant. </table></font>
<font color='#00FF00'><font color=sienna face=tahoma><blockquote>Tuk stretched slightly, though it was barely visible, in the darkness. Muscles twitched, and the slightest movement suggested that he had momentarily moved up onto his tiptoes, then arched every fiber in his body for a mere second. They hadn't been walking about enough to keep his body warm and well honed, but the Spy was used to such, since he sometimes had to hide in cramped spaces for long periods of time. Subtle movement could flex everything as well as anything else, though it was harder to get every single portion of one's body stretched and honed when there wasn't enough space for a lot of movement. At the moment, he just didn't want to draw attention to momentary weakness, or drowzy, wandering minds. After all, in Bhim, it was best to keep a low profile, unless you were intending to draw attention to yourself. Which was a rarity, indeed, only daring or foolish pendragons walked through Bhim with a swagger. Claws reflexively sprung out of their sheathes as someone he knew came close. An assasin he had worked with before, and one that probably had more then a few grudges against Tuk's person. Ducking his head and sliding the paw up behind an ear, scratching with the tips of sharpened nails, the male pretended to be grooming, tucking his head and eyes away from the other male. Luckily, the assasin paid little attention to Tuk, only a cursory glance of disgust at his apparant lack of self control, then the ebony-covered killer continued on his way. The spy snickered mentally, though the sound never escaped his own mentality. Keen awareness was a gift bestowed upon both spies and assasins but, apparantly, luck was shining her face on the gray Tuk, and he would manage to avoid trouble for another day. Factions wanted him to work for them, or wanted him dead, so it was good that 'Byte hadn't recognzied him. No need to roust any suspicions. Morgan's words brought his thoughts back to the matter at hand, and ears swivelled in her direction, despite the fact that all words were mental. A natural reaction, however, to being spoken to. Rough tongue ran across his jowls as he listened, and a slight nod was made, paw lifted to his chest as he did so in some semblance of a bow. With a slight smile twitching at the edges of his muzzle, the soot-tinctured male watched her for a moment, contemplative. Which name he would give was of vital importance. If she was more then she was saying, a faction might get word of his whereabouts. Or, at least, that he had been in Bhim recently. Both could assist in anyone wanting to track him down. With a mournful, mental, sigh, the male replied. <font color=gray>{I am afraid my true name cannot be told, Lady Morgan, until I am certain that it will not land me in more trouble then I can manage. The name of Nitsaji was once bestowed upon me, and I find it a suitable one, for the moment. Perhaps... eventually, my real name can be given to you, if we even continue to meet... In any case, it is and has been a pleasure meeting you.}</font> He said with a sincere smile. Then again, his mind was capable of warping everything to seem true, so who was to say if it really was? At least he had made the effort.</font>
<font color='#ABCDEF'><Table width=320> <HR width=200 size=1 color=#ABCDEF> <B>Character::[/b] Morgan <B>Telepathy::[/b] { Italics and seperators. } <B>Speech:: "Bold and quotations." Thoughts::[/b] Italics. <HR width=200 size=1 color=#ABCDEF> Nightfall was deep upon the market of Bhim now. Pendragons could be seen wandering casually to their nightly resting places. Others of the nocturnal sort left daytime hideaways to be about their business. Morgan watched each 'dragon passing the pair with narrowed, now ebon eyes, as if expecting an attack from every alleyway. Usually when it got this dark, she was searching for a place to sleep. With the counterfeit gems she had snatched earlier that evening, she might be able to afford an inn for the night. A quiet chuckle almost escaped the female's throat as the male before her call her a lady. The end of her unadorned tail echoed her amusement. His complaisance was abnormal in Bhim, and Morgan found it a refreshing change. She resisted from correcting him as she had been first inclined. After all, it wasn't like she minded being dubbed as a lady. Upon his naming, Morgan gave a slow blink, and then a nod of appreciation. She was grateful for his honesty, or what seemed to be honesty. A small part of her mind nagged at her not to believe everything he said just because he was polite. The small part happened to be her instinct, which she always listened to. This case was no different. { Nice to meet you, Nitsagi. And I'd have to agree, the dubbing does fit you. It means 'mystery', in Ramathian, correct? } she replied. It had been years since she'd spoken Ramathian, although she'd been tutored in it thoroughly when she was young. Once one learned a language, it was never truly lost. <HR width=200 size=1 color=#ABCDEF> </table></font>
<font color='#00FF00'><font color=sienna face=tahoma><blockquote>Night had settled over the figurative shoulders of Bhim, easily shrouding it in obscurity. Fewer pendragons roamed the streets, and those that passed seemed hurried, harried, as if they had something important to do, and couldn't be bothered to even give Morgan and Tuk a cursory glance. The gray pendragon tucked his head so that it was swathed in shadow, shielded completely from sight in the pitch black. Due to the fact that some others did, indeed, know his face quite well, the greyscale Spy wasn't going to allow his more distinctive facial features give away his identity. His tail flame turned a bleak black as well, to hide within the shadows as easily as his body, and, perhaps, even if he was seen, the male would seem of the feminine variety. A stifled chuckle from his companion caused the Master to tilt his head slightly so that he could take in her movement. The slightest twitch of her tail suggested that it was amusement that had caused her vocal cords to stir. A vague flicker of similar sentiment flickered through his eyes as the male arched his back, stretching in a very catlike manner, claws vaguely scratching the ground as he moved fluidly, causing every bone and joint to stretch, then snap back into place. Tongue lolled out momentarily in a brief yawn, before his attention was drawn back to the lithe female beside him. <font color=gray>{Yes, indeed, it does. Very insightful of you, lady, to figure that out. Not many know our own language, now days. 's all a scholar's vocalization.}</font> He commented in a manner that suggested a hint of pride... or something akin to that emotion.</font>
<font color='#ABCDEF'><table width=320 border=0 style="border:1px; border-style: solid; border-color: #000000;" bgcolor="#582020"> <TR border=0><TD border=0><font size=-2 face=arial color="#9C3E3C"> Morgan watched the masc stretch and shift positions, changing his appearance slightly. Her auditives moved independently of each other, taking in sounds and processing them. The silence was occasionally broken by the nocturnal residents of Bhim. Though used to these sounds now, when Morgan had first arrived in Bhim, the static o' the city had spooked her. Now the fear had downgraded to a cautious paranoia. A male passed the pair, giving them a curious glance. Recognizing a former opponent, she bared her ivory teeth at him, ebony eyes narrowed. He fled before she could issue a warning growl. He had recognized her as well. The masc had picked a fight with her and lost, not too long ago. It had been a close fight, but the male had been wary of her since. Morgan shrugged at Nitsagi's comment, a small smile crooking her muzzle. <font color="#D77979" size=0>{ My parents were determined to have their children educated in all subjects. Learning the tongue of Ramath-Lehi was just one of the things I learned. }</tr></td> </table></font>
<font color='#00FF00'><font color=sienna face=tahoma><blockquote>Tukjelada, aka Nitsaji, silently tilted his head, turning it so that he could focus on the younger female a bit more avidly. After all, it seemed a bit rude to stare away from her when they were having some semblance of a conversation. Despite the fact that they really didn't want everyone to notice that... it didn't make sense to continue staring at everyone else as if she was just another bystander who happened to be beside him. Yawning lightly, tongue lolling out briefly, teeth bared in what almost seemed like a grin. The vague twitch of his tail was his only response to the body's natural desire to get some rest, after a long day and night. Yet she was intriguing, this Morgan. Turning his head back towards the streets as his companion suddenly became vicious and almost aggressive, the gray-toned male shook his head in amusement. Whomever that other male had been, he had left in quite a hurry. Perhaps Morgan was more of a spitfire fighter then he had thought. Her words drew his mental attention back to her, though he didn't turn his head again. There was no purpose in it, ultimately, he needed to be on the watch for potential threats to himself or his current companion. <font color=gray>{It is a good skill, indeed, for many don't know a tongue that should be native and natural for them... ah, well, no reason to mourn the loss, since it is to our benefit, no?}</font></font>
<font color='#ABCDEF'><table width=320 border=0 style="border:1px; border-style: solid; border-color: #000000;" bgcolor="#582020"> <TR border=0><TD border=0><font size=-2 face=arial color="#9C3E3C"> Morgan stepped forward so she was no longer huddling in the shadows of surrounding buildings. True dark had fallen and hiding in shadows was redundant. Through her auditives she could tell that the surrounding alleyways and streets were empty of active pendragons. Her eyes flickered back to their natural chocolate flavoring as she slowly relaxed, and settled on sharpening her hearing rather than trying to watch for danger. Her hearing was much better than her night vision, after all. Upon Nitsaji's reply, the female nodded her head absently, since it was a rhetorical question. Now another question came to mind, reminding Morgan of her original intentions. She had at first meant to ask him why he had followed her, and then leave. But now she found that she was curious about him, and didn't want to leave quite yet. She also realized that, whether it was intentional or not, the male had distracted her from her objective when he asked her for her name. <font color="#D77979" size=0>{ So, did you really start following me on impulse, or was there some purpose in it? }</font> </tr></td> </table></font>
<font color='#3BB9FF'><font color=sienna face=tahoma><blockquote>Tuk's tail writhed silently, the flame on its tip a subdued sliver of ebony. There was something about night that brought out a sense of security in the male. He was a capable spy, and, thus, had learned how to be unobserved, out of the way. With true dark upon them, there was no reason to sulk in the shadows, but there they still were. Perhaps because more attention was drawn (and effort wasted) by attempting to disengage from the shadows. Ears flickered forward, contently perking so that he could hear the words of those around him. After all, the words he anticipated from his companion were thoughts, and had no need for his lobes to be curved in her direction. His eyes did roam towards her, then outwards to capture others and their movements, before returning to Morgan's frame. Instinct caused his eyes to flicker towards a shadow-wandering pendragon. The other was certainly an assasin or thief, because the careful steps had been those of one of his brethern in trade. He recognized the face of the approacher, though the female 'dragon wasn't intent on Tuk and Morgan. Grimacing in recognition, he tensed up a bit, muscles snapping into stiff attention, prepared to spring him away if the other took interest. Fortunatly, she didn't see them, and soon went off in another direction. Yet she had put his nerves on edge. Morgan's words almost startled him, though he had anticipated them, and quickly covered up his surprise. <font color=gray>{ A bit of both, actually. You just remind me of someone I knew, but I followed impulse. I wanted to see if you were like her... which you are, actually.}</font></font>
<font color='#ABCDEF'><table width=320> <font color=#555555> <font color=white>[.character.]</font> Morgan <hr width=200> The fae's eyes bent only in the spy's direction for moments, waiting for a reply. Though not naturally a patient person, there was no need for her to be in a hurry, at the moment. She could wait long enough for him to formulate a reply. As her black eyes moved from his figure to the surrounding darkness, so did her far-reaching ears. During the night the femme depended almost soley on sound to alert her of an attacker. It had saved her life more than once. Morgan forced down a smile, a flicker of white against blackness, as Nitsaji jumped at her inquiry, the movement seen in her peripheral vision. Her gaze flicked back to the male as his telepathic orals reached her mind. Her head tilted to the side slightly as he spoke, curiousity alighting in her eyes. It would be intrusive to ask whom he was talking about, but she had another question in mind. { How am I like her? } she asked, wondering if it was a good or bad quality. Perhaps this question was nosy too, but it was only natural for one to want to know what others thought of them, no matter how they denied it. </font></table></font>
<font color='#3BB9FF'><font color=sienna face=tahoma><blockquote>Tuk was uncomfortable, at the moment, but it was an emotion he stifled. After all, if he freely expressed his distaste for the topic, then he wouldn't be using skills that had become second nature to him. They were neccessary, in the life of a spy, after all. It hadn't been entirely Morgan that had caused him to be jumpy, after all, and the secretive male didn't want her to think he was losing his control in front of her. Despite the fact that her actions brought back an onslaught of memories he had long since buried, the male had to keep himself in cool, dispassionate... otherwise things would occur that weren't needed. Attachments would be made that he couldn't shake off. If this Morgan really was like Ria, though... No. He dared not even think of it, lest he go and gain affection for the younger pendragon. It was better that he answer her questions curtly, then leave. To make any sort of attachment was to put himself in danger. He had done it before, for Ria, but that was the one and only exception to the rule. Emotions were not acceptable traits in Master Spies. They normally began to drag the espionage-enabled 'dragons down. A frown tugged at his lips at the thought. It meant they were always lonely, never had a family to come home to, never had a lasting friendship, or an apprentice. Except those specifically going to be brought into the Spy trade, itself. Since those came, and were trained, on actual Spy missions. Her words caused him to flick his eyes in her direction, then reply in a somewhat evasive manner. <font color=gray>{Different ways... I suppose it's your spirit, the way you respond to things. The way you try to block off all emotions, to be a true loner. It's impossible, you know, to be completely alone. You can never sever all ties to emotion.}</font> Tuk commented with a tilt of his head.</font>
<font color='#555555'><table width=340> <font color=white>[.character.]</font> Morgan <hr width=200> The fae kept her ebon oculars focused upon the spy's visage, watching as his thoughts flew across it. She kept her presence from his thoughts, not inclined to be prying. She couldn't read minds, but she could detect emotions if she wished. His feelings were not her affair, nor did she desire them to be. She had enough problems of her own, living here in the black market of Bhim. Casting her gaze into the darkness, she saw the nightcrawlers doing their best to stay alive. Morgan was caught up in that web as well, her survival the heart of her existence. An existence she was tired of living. All her soul was encompassed with painful emotions. It ate at her day and night, and she realized, she wanted a reprieve. It was a small, easily made decision. There was nothing to tie her to Bhim. Her assassin work wasn't a day job, and didn't even make enough money to live decently. With a feeling of relief, she concluded that she would leave Bhim for now. No specific destination carried in her mind, only the resolution that she wanted to get away. Perhaps she could join up with Tagryan again. That would please her. The so-called Nitsaji's reply brought her from her thoughts, and she looked at him uncomprehendingly for a moment, before remembering her inquiry. A sad smile graced her lips, and she nodded. "Perhaps that is true. But that does not mean I can't try," she said, with some determination. "Anyway, I need to find a place to sleep for the night," she added, then thought some more. "I've decided I'm going to leave Bhim in the morning. For how long, I'm not sure." She wasn't sure how he would respond to that. He didn't seem to have any feelings for her, but it was hard to tell anything from beneath that mask of his. In any case, she didn't truly care. </table></font>
<font color='#810541'>Upon gazing down on these unfolding events, a ash coloured male watched as the two conversed amount each other. Licking his lips slowly watching imaging the sweetness of their life giving fluid, as if he has already tasted it on his lips. The deep colour of his eyes perieced the two 'dragons' skins as if they was just sheets of glass, seeing the fluid pump throughout their veins. What...shameful feelings that burn with in my hallows. Making it unbariable to see, to hear. Shakes his head slowly and flexes the bone structures that rested on his back, making soft cracking sounds.</font>
<font color='#000F22'><font color=sienna face=tahoma><blockquote>Tukjelada was tired of all of it, of everything that this world represented, and it almost showed. Almost was the key word there. He wasn't quite ready for death though, and, doubtless, by tomorrow, he would feel ready once more, to face it all. His tail flicked disdainfully, though it whisked in a more whimsical manner then any real thought structure. His lips skinned back from his teeth at her words, a gesture that was akin to a vague wince. Then he spoke directly into her mind, his words only able to be heard by her, alone, so that their watcher was not aware of his words. <font color=gray>{You shouldn't. It isn't worth it, ultimately, it just leaves you high and dry once you become old, like me. In any case, Morgan, you should enjoy your life, while you own it. Live it to the fullest... if you ever need me, just ask around for Tuk, and someone should know where I am, or will help you by the mere merit that I have given you my name. Best of luck, Morgan.}</font> He said, with a vague grin, before padding off into the darkness. Ready to get some rest.</font> ooc. I figured it was about time this drew to a close, heh, since it started several months ago. :nods: 'twas fun. We should do it again sometime, ne? =d</font>