Okay, I decided that I wanted to bring in one of my characters. Those of you that stalked the lasted Myth probably would've seen Ray, but there he couldn't be a werewolf for obvious reasons. Buuttt, Ray isn't any old werewolf. For years, I spent time making up a different species of werewolves, what I called Second Generation Werewolves(kinda gay I know), and I wanted to bring him here without having to change that again. He'd be different if he was normal, being a werewolf kinda changed his character, you know? But since I wanted to bring him here, I had to ask about the species. It probably would've been simpler if he was just a plain old werewolf, but no. I gotta be hard like that. xD So, here are the details on the species. I'd like feedback on what you guys think and stuff, as well as once Jodie sees, what we'll do about other people getting my species in a character. I'm willing to modify things as needed, but I'd really like to keep it the same if I can. I'd already modified some things, because the last time I wrote this out was a couple years ago or last year and it's just really stupid, so yea. <span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:gray'>A Second Generation Werewolf's genetics are really different from yer original kind of werewolf. Since this is a different place than Earth, I'd think they'd have all different kinds of minerals and such? Silver can hurt Ray's kind, but not kill them like it would the other species of werewolves. I made another kind of silver that I think would be more abundant here than it was on earth, so that way this species can be killed. This second kind of silver, I suppose would have a higher concentration of the mineral silver in it, like double the amount normally found. I've yet to actually flesh this out, so one of you who's really good with science and minerals and stuff can help me out with making this silver realistic. xD They aren't forced to change on a full moon, but if they do choose to change then they'd be stuck if their wereforms for an untold amount of time; they could be stuck that way for days, months, years, or forever. Changing on the full moon also is a high risk, besides the possibility of being stuck in that wereform forever, it can also kill them. This is another thing I haven't really thought out the reasoning for, so I'm gonna need a realistic reason for this as well. They also heal slower than the other kind of werewolf, but they heal faster than a person who wasn't a werewolf would. Outer wounds, such as cuts, punctures, and gashes would heal slower than a wound to an organ, and bones heal faster than a puncture but slower than an organ. I bet I'm not making much sense xD Basically, Organs heal the fastest since those are vital to a person's body, bones heal slower than organs but faster than a flesh wound, and flesh wounds heal about two times faster than a regular person could heal depending on the severeness of the wound. A papercut would heal about instantly, a scratch could take a few hours, a puncture could take a day to a couple days, a hole in their side could take a week, so on and so forth. If they're really hurt badly, the healing can slow down depending on how many wounds and how bad they are. Eating raw meat can help speed up healing and drinking blood would help speed it up a lot more. When they're in their werewolf forms, they're forms are different than yer usual ugly lycanthrope. They're actually quite beautiful, with simi long, soft fur. They tend to walk on all fours since it's more comfortable to them, but than can walk on two legs if they wanted. They can be as big as a horse when in this form, but no bigger. They're teeth are large and sharp, along with their claws. They're quite majestic looking. Another thing I haven't really planned out is blood lusts. Ray has a special necklace that can control and get rid of these blood lusts, but anyone else will experience them. When in wereform, they lose themselves and go nuts. Sometimes they're aware of what they're doing and can stop, sometimes they can and kill everyone and their mom. They tend to go insane when they smell blood, and these blood lusts and be brought on by the smell or sight of blood. Some weres may be able to control said lusts, and it varies from person to person how well they handle it and how exactly they do handle it. If Ray were to not have this necklace, cause I'm not sure if this will be allowed, he'd be able to control it with a damn lot of effort, but someone else may snap. Second Generation Werewolves are rare, and they don't have clans like the original werewolves do. They're loners and tend to freak if they meet a vampire or another werewolf. These guys call the first species of werewolves the "Original Bloodline", and, well, they freakin' hate them. They can tolerate others of their same werespecies, but not the Original Bloodline or vampires. By freak, I mean they get pretty aggressive towards the werewolf or vampire, and again, different people will act different ways, but generally they act out angrily. When they're angry, their eyes turn silver and cat-like, and sometimes they glow for the moment you glance at them and blink and sometimes they glow the whole time. So you know when you've pissed one off.</span></span> I'm pretty sure that covers everything, but I know I missed something somewhere. Any questions, ask, and opinions, tell me. I really hope this idea gets accepted cause I wanna make Ray here. So yea. I'd still like to modify the overall species as little as possible, but the way I altered it already should make it usable. /end novel
Thanks for posting this here. :] At Ramath we generally treat werewolves/weredragons the same way as vampires. There used to be an article up in the compendium, but it was taken down as it really needed a revamp. Were you interested in making them an actual race, or just sort of keeping them as a branch off of the weredragon affliction? Here's how the article used to read: <table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>Symptoms A weredragon is a pendragon that is afflicted with Lycanthropy. When normal, they are just like any other pendragon. Often times, they don't even know the other side exists until it manifests itself. When this happens, the pendragon will seem to revert to basic instincts, and will usually communicate in a series of growls and grunts. Warning signs of this can be detected in the eyes, which usually change colour when the 'dragon in question is transformed. Transformation When a weredragon transforms into the feral state, they lose abilities such as logic, communication, and just plain thinking about their actions. However, this is compensated for by an increase in stamina, strength, and often times, more powerful spells in the state. A weredragon is extremely dangerous when transformed, do not attempt to subdue the said pendragon. Doing so will only cause it to struggle harder, reverting into the feral state even deeper. Transformations can happen for a number of reasons. Most pendragons only transform at certain times, such as when one or more of Ramath-lehi's moons are full. However, a few will only be triggered by severe emotional distress, such as watching ones love die. These are the worst type to encounter. Often times, these are the ones who have their alter-egos created by a traumatizing event, releasing hate, rage, and sorrow in a massive burst. Causes Sometimes, a normal pendragon is born with the alter-ego, sometimes getting it through a curse, and sometimes developing it after a very traumatic event.</td></tr></table>
Um, I'm not sure really. I figure making them an actual race would cause a lot of heads to hurt, but this isn't really a disease? I think they're too different from the usual werewolf to branch off much, but hell, what do I know? I would say whatever's easiest, but that would probably just make it a disease kinda thing. I remember that old topic and it got me thinking about Ray then but then I died. I dunno. I've never asked about anything like this before, anywhere.