New Layout

Thread in 'Game-Related' started by shriker, Jul 4, 2005.

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  1. Del = in need of help.
    I just got firefox and links still open as IE. it sucks very badly. any ideas from you computer-savvy brainiacs?
  2. I'd die without firefox's tabs x_x nuff said.

  3. In Firefox, go to Tools -> Options -> and make sure the "Default Browser" button is checked.

    Then, in Windows (if that's what you're using), click on Start -> Control Panel -> Internet Options -> Programs -> And make sure that the "Internet explorer should check if its the default browser" is unchecked.

    I think that should do it.

    Something neat about Firefox... It allows you to install "Extensions." Check them out here, there's all kinds. Unlike IE, Firefox is really meant to be customized. :]</a>
  4. xDDD!!! Very very nice! I love how you organized everything on the side! Keep up the good work ^^
  5. ty, jods. it works now. and the layout is better without the foot-long gap between the top and the start of the forums, i think. thats why i got firefox at all, and i luv it!
  6. Another thing I noticed just now...There are two Menlo fighter awards whereas one should be Menlo Champion....And I know the award is there (I had to download it ><), the url to it is just wrong....*wadles away*
  7. The stars... so pretty @.@

    I think it's time for my meds! *skips off for her lovely, lovely stoofs*
  8. *prod* O_O You ok? Oh I know you need a puppie! *holds out puppie*
  9. *names puppy Ed and luffles on him* ^.^
  10. *barks at ed and begins marking territory*
  11. *frowns and takes a pee on Del*


  12. *prods the Del and Sil* O_O Um....ok.... *rescues Ed from the psychos...*
  13. @.@ Well this is certainly getting... Disturbing... x_X
  14. *cries* Eeeeeeeeeeed! My love! TT_TT
  15. Yeah Um Some Of The deviantART Links don't work! Here are the ones.

  16. Because said people entered their dA username incorrectly into the deviantArt field on the Edit Profile page.
  17. *dodges and slides up next to sil*
    Too bad I'm so luv-able. you will be disappointed to know i am taken. ^-^
    I am sorry silith, I know how much you LOOOOOOVE me.
    *is such a jackass* :rolleyes:
  18. :D Sil is also taken. Weeeeeee! *snuggles Will*
  19. O_O Im not taken. Hahahaha!!!! *points and laughs* Im freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont even know what I am talking about anymore....
  20. then you'll be disappointed to know I'm taken! *prods PF on the nose hard*
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