Hey! After almost a year of disappearance, I'm back. I hope for long. I missed this site a lot! Does anyone old here remember me hopefully? The layout went through a really big change. Is this temporary?
Welcome back! I remember you. :] Actually, it's kind of rare that I forget anyone... lol. As for the layout, there are going to be minor changes here and there (like, you know, adding graphics and the like). ^_^ For the most part I'm pretty happy with how it's progressing, although am always open up to suggestions.
;-; Kuuutz. we had a thread that never got finished! so i have to remember you. i think i even doodled one of your characters in a never-submitted-RAL-sketch. come, come, play!
Whee! Another change! I like the welcome page, Shriker. It's very neat. Hi phylus! You doodled one of my character? Which one? OOoh and I'm sorry about the unfinished thread. I even disappeared without notice. Right, since I'm back, let's start one that we can and will finish .
Hey ang... I think I saw you somewhere before, but we've never played with each other. Memory is fuzzy. Hi crystal! I remember you well. Ramath's been pretty quiet lately.
I too most definitely remember you :] Welcome back! And it is very quiet this summer, I always forgot how much it slows down during the holidays...
Yeah. :s Everyone disappears to all the corners of the earth. I guess we could always try advertising for new members. Maybe a referral contest or something, lol.
*pounces on kutz* eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!~ i'm not quite bck yet, i just hover here all the time n stufffffs, i missed you ^-^
Hiya, Lautir! No more holidays for me now. *glomps Mori* I miss you too ^^ Referral contest! Mmm.. what may be the prize? Chocolates? A gold fish? Free drawings from Shriker? :musicnote:
I hope it's because it's aborably cute. Let it hypotize you... (this is my plan for world domination)