Jyta arrives

Thread in 'Ramathian Scrolls' started by Isiltari, Apr 4, 2013.

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  1. <font color='6C6C6C'>
    // <span style='color:#E4BB69'>Nebai Gajtouteym</span> \\
    Primary Trade ¤ Tactics (A)
    Secondary Trade ¤ Hunter (A)

    // <span style='color:#818391'>Temkaja Gajtouteym</span> \\
    Primary Trade ¤ Con Artist (A)
    Secondary Trade ¤ Poisons (A)​

    \\ OOC: Bwa. XD  Alrightie, they're off in their corner, meet 'em or not, 'tis up to you guys! [​IMG]

    \\ IC

    Nebai trails behind Temkaja, who was artfully balancing her tray on her forehead. 'Kaja was the prissy one; practiced her posture, her table conversation and manners, and acted quite like a snob. That's not who she was, naturally. Not really, anyway.

    She was an actress. Destined to the stage. But not really. She preferred to manipulate pendragons who could help her immediate cause, whatever that was at the time being.

    Even so, the lavender and cream hued 'dragon was busy showing off. The tray was balanced perfectly - it really was. Not a shiver or quiver, perfectly set upon her indigo mane and forehead. On that tray were two triple hamburgers. One with lettuce, ketchup, cheese, and pickels, between the bun, and one with absolutely nothing but the meat and bread. Also accompanying this food was a tall cup of water in the center, and a child-sized cup likewise filled with H2O.

    These two were twins. But the second burger was not for Nebai. In all actuality, the orange and cream colored sister to miss priss looked annoyed, nd perhaps a little ill.

    Forgoeing their private mental speech, she mutters aloud, <span style='color:#E4BB69'>"I can't believe you're going to eat that."</span>

    Temkaja looks back at her sister, the tray remarkably undisturbed by the movement, <span style='color:#818391'>"Why? It's food!"</span>

    Nebai scoffs, <span style='color:#E4BB69'>"THAT is NOT food."</span>

    Her sibling grins, <span style='color:#818391'>"Oh, you're just getted because it doesn't have eyeballs still attached."</span> Nebai preferred the hunt and raw meat to anything ground up and cooked past crunchy. Temkaja wanted her meals well done. And she was enjoying their stay at Janardan, because when she was on the road with Nebai, she had to cook her food, because Nebai refused. And Temkaja just hated getting dirty!

    Refusing to take the verbal bait, Nebai grunts. <span style='color:#E4BB69'>"You'd best find a corner to sit in, especially if you plan on letting Damatet out of the bag. I'm not going to save him, if he gets out, and someone wants to scorch him with their magic."</span>

    Temkaja's bottom jaw drops, <span style='color:#818391'>"You wouldn't! He's the sweetest thing!"</span>

    Nebai flicks her ears back and narrows her eyes momentarily, <span style='color:#E4BB69'>"He's a spitting tmuka for Tanastlasei's sake! How on Ramath-lehi can you say that serpent is sweet?!"</span>

    Temkaja huffs and turns back around, tail and hips swinging as she struts on all fours toward a large, and vacant, corner booth. Lowering her head to the bright red table top, the tray is slid off her forehead, none of the cotents of the tray disturbed. Pleased with herself, she slides into the cushioned seats, and swings the brown flap sack gently beside her.

    Nebai sighs and rolls her eyes, following her twin to the booth, and sitting down opposite her, eyeing the pendragons making the usual lunch time din. None seemed to be paying attention to them, which was all the better - if someone noticed Damatet and started screaming, it'd be over.

    Taking her eyes and mind off the others, Nebai watches as Temkaja unfolds the wrappings around her.. 'food'. Curling a lip in disgust, she sits otherwise silently. The only thing she could think at that moment resembled, This should be quite interesting.</font>
  2. <font color='#000080'>OOC: well thats cool, heh the more the merrier, thats how i always look at it, heh so what are we gonna do walk into them? or something like that?


    ::Tamay followed Nafel through the caf, and heard what she had 'pathed to her:: i would like lettuce, ketchup and mustard please, i hope that is not asking too much....

    ::Tamay smiled to Nafel and looked around the caf, she was starving and all she could think about was sinking her teeth into a nice piece of meat to quench her hunger, she watched all the 'dragons scurry around the caf like lost puppies, she so eagerly wanted to meet new people, but she was content with the friends she had already made::</font>
  3. <font color='#000080'>Nafel heard the request and stood in line at the register. In moments she was back with the food, balanced on a tray. Nurano carried drink cups, and pointed at a softdrink machine. "Drinks are over there. Get whatever you want out've that machine. Here're your cups." He handed them their cups and walked towards a table, holding some of the food to help Nafel.

    Nurano spotted a table with his keener eyesight and walked towards it, Nafel in tow. They set the food down, and as they did, Nafel happened to notice Damatet, although she didn't scream. She poked Nurano and he looked, shrugged, and sat down. Nafel, however, was curious. She walked over to the pair of 'dragons. "Excuse me, miss, but I noticed your  Tmuka. I was wondering if I might be able to look at him?"

    At this moment, Jyta came back from the drink machine. She set her drink down and padded over to Nafel. She was about to ask what was going on, when she spotted the serpent. "Woah... What's that?"</font>
  4. <font color='6C6C6C'>Nebai looks at the visitors to the booth, all of whom looked as if they planned on sitting down. A small ironic smirk flashes across her lips and disappears just as suddenly as the telepaths her twin, <span style='color:#E4BB69'>They don't know what they're getting into..</span> The irritated reply is delivered almost instantly, <span style='color:#818391'>Don't scare them off.</span>

    Their communications were most private, not really because of choice; all twins were closely linked. Only the best telepaths could ever hope to overhear more than the static of twin speak.

    Nebai then looks at the female who'd requested to see the poisonous creature and sighs softly. Hopefully, she wouldn't be bitten, nor spat at by him.

    Temkaja, however, was most happy to play the hostess. Grinning ear-to-ear in genuine jubilation, she gently curls her digitigrade paws beneath Damatet, supporting but not grabbing him, and she raises him to eye level. <span style='color:#818391'>"Certainly! Have you handled tmukas before? He's not exactly benign.."</span>

    Nebai, now getting just a tad nervous - as that was as far as that fear-based emotion ever got - shakes her head, <span style='color:#E4BB69'>"What Temkaja means is, he spits, and he's vicious."</span>

    Temkaja purses her lips and glares at her sister, <span style='color:#818391'>"He is not vicious!"</span> Currently, he wasn't. His forked tongue was flicking in and out rather sedately, and he was lying flat, very content in his owner's paws. If he were vicious, or felt threatened, he'd rise, hiss, and spread his hood. None of which were currently occuring.

    Temkaja turns to the femm who'd exclaimed and smiles like a proud mother, <span style='color:#818391'>"This is Damatet, a male spitting tmuka."</span> She looks pointedly at her twin, <span style='color:#818391'>"A very sweet and well mannered tmuka, due to much gentle handling."</span>

    Nebai rolls her eyes, and tries in vain to find a place other than her 'suicidal' sister with the deadly poisonous tmuka to rest her gaze on. However, her sight does flicker to each of the newcomers in turn, before returning to the crimson table top with the unwrapped ... 'food' ... sitting on it. Her lip curls just slightly, once again.

    Temkaja continues, ignoring her twin, in her most magnanamous voice and humble smile, <span style='color:#818391'>"My name is Temkaja, and this is my sister, Nebai. Who might you all be?"</span> Most weren't keen on guessing they were twins. Twins weren't a common thing among pendragons, and as such, is was easier not to mention it unless directly asked. Also, she almost never used her real surname if she could get away with it. And when she couldn't, she left it out of conversation entirely, as she had done here.</font>
  5. <font color='#000080'>Nafel looked up at the two 'dragons to make introductions, while Jyta continued to stare at the snake. It interested her, sort've. Nafel spoke up for them both. "I'm Nafel," she declined to give her surname, as well. "and this is my erm... friend's cousin, Jyta. I'm her tour guide at the moment. I've never handled tmukas before, but if you tell me, I should be able to handle it."

    She smiled at the two, not bothering to ask if they were related. She figured they were either sisters or best friends, though she didn't guess that they were twins. Jyta chose this moment to speak.

    Moving towards Nebai, she began to chat with her while Nafel and Temkaja talked about the serpent. "As she said, I'm Jyta. I'm new here, yet again, as she said. What're your trades?"</font>
  6. <font color='#000080'>::Tamay followed the others to the table where a few 'dragons had been sitting, she held her food in one hand and her drink in the other as she slowly walked over, she noticed all those around here, big and small the quiet and the loud, her claws clicking upon the tiled flooring she came up to the table and listened as the others introduced themselves, she said::

    salutations, i am Tamay, im kinda new here, just going in a nifty tour

    ::she smiled and just looked over them, never passing judgement for she had just met them, but she did wish to get to know them better, maybe they had the same interest as herself and Jyta::</font>
  7. <font color='#000080'>Jyta nodded and smiled at Tamay, as she hadn't heard her coming. "My trades are Seduction and Languages, in that order. I'm from Bhim." That pretty much summed up her rather uneventful life thusfar, she thought. She'd been born and brought up in Bhim with Nurano as a playmate untill he had gone off to school, and she had followed soonafter. Now she was here, and that was that.

    Nafel, however, was still talking to Temkaja. "So, how long have you had this Tmuka as a pet? Did you buy him? Did you find him?"

    Nurano, after setting down the food, was still waiting for the femmes. He walked over and poked Nafel on the shoulder, as he was hungry, but it was also rude to eat before them. "Can we eat? I'm hungry." Looking at Temkaja, he bobbed his head. "Oh, yes, I'm Nurano. What's your name?"</font>
  8. <font color='#000080'>OOC: Anyone here? [​IMG]</font>
  9. <font color='#000080'>ooc: sorry been really sick lately, and with school, havent had much time, eepz im here though!


    ::Tamay smiled as she walked over to the table and took a seat, she looked at those around her as she took a bite of her hamburger, sighing in relief that she finally had some solid food in her, she just smiled and said softly after she swallowed:: I am Tamay, hope you dont mind if i join you guys ::She smiled and continued to eat her food hoping no one would mind her being there, she slowly drifted off thinking about how they would decorate the dorm, she had so many ideas, but this was not the time to talk about it, this was the time to get to know some new people and have a good time::</font>
  10. <font color='#000080'>"OOC: It's alright, I understand. [​IMG] Hope you're feeling better!

    IC: Jyta, seeing Tamay eating, realized that she had not gotten her share of the food. She reached over to where Nurano had stashed the tray and grabbed her 'burger, unwrapping it. She took a bite and smiled, it was good. Taking a sip of her soda, she pulled up a chair. Nafel floated the tray with her food over via elemental magic, so she wouldn't have to move. She kept the tray floating as she nibbled on her burger. Nurano just rolled his eyes, and she stuck her tongue out at him. Turning back to the Tamay and Jyta, Nafel spoke.

    "So, are the burgers good?" Jyta just nodded, as she didn't bother taking small bites like Nafel. She was hungry, and no one around her cared (she presumed), so she just ate as fast as she wanted. Nafel turned to Tamay and waited for an answer.</font>
  11. <font color='#000080'>ooc: i am, heh thats why im prob gonna be more active now!!! heh


    ::Tamay smiled and nodded to the others:: the food is excellent, i enjoy it muchly ::Tamay just continuted to eat her burger, opening her pop and taking a drink, gulping down half the can, she just closed her eyes, and squinched up her nose as the fizz stung, she giggled and smiled:: so what else do we have on the agendia for today></font>
  12. <font color='#000080'>OOC: Ah! I didn't notice that there was a 6th page in the thread... Gah. >.< I'm going to be gone Wednesday-Sunday, for Thanksgiving.

    IC: Jyta paused her eating long enough to reply to Tamay's inquiry. "Lessee... I've got Social Studies, and that's it for the first semester. After that, we can check out the grounds, and then we can talk about decorating the dorm." She took a sip of her drink, shaking her braided hair out of her face. She shifted her hind legs a little, showing off her tattoo a bit. The dark red was almost the same shade as her pelt. It was subtle, like her. Or, at least, how she could be if she tried.</font>
  13. <font color='#000080'>::Tamay smiled and nodded, continuing to munch down on her food, enjoying every bit of it, she just looked around the caf, seeing everyone hurry about, she so wanted to be part of that world and get back into the swing of things, and back into the using of males, she loved the thril of the hunt so to speak and now she had someone to share that interest with:: sounds like a plan ::She nodded to Jyta::</font>
  14. <font color='#000080'>Nafel smiled at the two conversing 'dragons. Seeing that they were all pretty much done with their meals, she began to speak. Nurano beat her to it, however, saying, "Well, it was nice meeting you, but I think Jyta and Tamay want to see the grounds. Unless you two want to come with us, I think we'd better seperate. I've got class soon, if it's as late as that clock says. Unless you guys want to stay here, we'd better head out." Nafel nodded.

    Jyta looked up at the clock and nodded, finishing the last of her drink. "Yeah, we'd better head out. That OK with you, Tamay? I'm ready..." She figured that it would be all right with the other 'dragon, but it seemed polite to ask.</font>
  15. <font color='#000080'>::Tamay smiled and nodded, taking her last gulp and standing to follow the others, she smiled and just looked around the room once more, taking in everything she could, she couldnt wait to go back to the dorm and decorate, she just smiled and followed the others as they left the caf::

    where too now? </font>
  16. <font color='6C6C6C'>\\ OOC: I'm sorry I died. Ick. X_x;;  *bangs head on keyboard*</font>
  17. <font color='#000080'>OOC: 'Tis Ok, Zev.

    IC: Jyta replied, "I've got Social Studies, and that's it. Then we can check out the courtyard and stuff, I guess. Do you have any classes you need to see still, or did we go through your whole schedule?" Jyta blinked her pink eyes, waiting for a reply.

    Nurano stretched his legs and arms, and Nafel did the same with her wings. "I know where your Social Studies classroom is, you told me the room earlier. I can show you the Athletics Area and stuff too, if you want."

    Jyta shrugged. "Ok. Tamay, do you want to look as well?"</font>
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