I've been cleaning up the forums a little today. One thing that you will probably notice is that the Janardan Academy forums have been depreciated. You may now find Janardan in http://shadowlack.com/forums/index.php?showforum=21Watani</a>. I just thought that it was a little unfair to put such a strong emphasis on a single school when Ramath-lehi would have all sorts of them spread about planet-wide Mm, that gives me another idea... how about a few schools on the moons...? Give some of the http://shadowlack.com/info/schools.phpalternative schools</a> some lovin' as well. ;] Edit: Ramath-lehi has some new introduction text on the index page, written up by our one and only, JCC. :) Give him a pat on the back. I think it reads great.
School on the moon... or one of them =D I would so sign up for that. There should definitely be a school that focuses on agriculture on the moon, hydroponic crops and whatnot, maybe also has a sub-school for raising fauna in captivity P=
boy IÂ’ve been thinking about this for a few minutes and to have a school on the moon needs a school that can afford it and you need students that can afford it to; not to mention the training so you can prepare the teachers, staff and the students for what is in space and why your bones ache without exisize (canÂ’t spell that.) ex: running, weights, push ups and I heard all this may take up a quarter of some ones day. (IÂ’m alittle full on myself today.)
There alerad is a few incredablly expensive schools lol though id say make it a small space station school. lol
Although you have some good thoughts regarding the matter, you should try to remember that this is Ramath-Lehi, and the pendragons live in a more advanced society than we. Although going to the moon or even sending civilians to the moon sounds like a pretty odd idea to us, to the pendragons, the concept is probably more or less normal. For the pendragon society, going to the moon is most likely no more abnormal than you traveling across the sea to another country.
Boarding school... aw man. XD I like that. I'm of pretty much the same mind as JCC. Ramath is pretty advanced in regards to technology, so living on one of the moons probably wouldn't be considered such a strange thing. Although, it'd probably be a lot more expensive to do... since you'd have to pay for air and things I bet (it'd probably be just a bit more expensive than Aurius). Crazy utility prices.
YouÂ’ll have to have really good jobs unless theirs laws that made you eligible to a cheaper price to things.
arrr that's cheaper, cramp but cheap. one problem thou not a good place for students unless you make it big as
*sigh* water school in space hmm seems hard but water school on the planet would require the best swimmers who could hold their breath for hours unless they have spells or tech like ex: swimsuits or air tanks; I have a few more idea's about the under water school but their would be the problem of coldness and water pressure. (Boy IÂ’m full on myself again.)