
Thread in 'Ramathian Scrolls' started by Adun, Jul 16, 2005.

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  1. It was so simple... she would have to clean her act up or she would be a major liability. Flicking her eyes to a bright red she scanned the room for magick spots, Five or more one just after the first set of spikes.

    <span style='color:red'>Magick caster after the first spike trap... Middle right. Fire or lightening. </span>

    She rattled off to Shiden, If it was lightening he'd be fine. But should she go first to check what it was? Yes, she would.

    <span style='color:red'>I'll go first, To see what the spell is, and deflect it somehow...</span>

    And with that she jumped in, dodging the Blades and spikes, The caster whirred out, as an orb formed from the tube, It was fire by the looks, Easily blocked. She muttered one word under her breath and it stopped, letting her get to the small platform where she could stand for a moment. Se looked over to shiden, waiting for him to scoot through.
  2. Shiden walked through, moving his arms and body at just the right times, coming through without a scratch.

    <span style='color:gray'>okay, are we done with this room yet</span>

    He said, getting annoyed with the repeated traps.
  3. "Yes"

    Immediately came Revol's reply, and it seemed safe enough to walk into the corridor and actually begin the trials and problems of the mission/course.

    "Now, you're going to begin the mission. I'm going to fufill the role of your Commander on this one, and maintain constant radio contact, as if you were on a normal mission and I was your Commander back at base. Are you both ready? It only gets harder from here on out."

    His voice was sincere, but cold, fully knowing that the words spoken were true...
  4. Nykjek nodded, for what would seem like no apparent reason. She looked back at shiden, a slightly worried expression on her face before, going next to the door.


    she murmured to shiden aswell as herself, making her staff appear again for the moment, she had cast it away for the course beforehand.

    <span style='width:100%;font-weight:bold; font-size:10px'>Out of Character</span>
    <table class='ooc'><tr><td> eep mind has deciced to dieeeee! sorry dudes</td></tr></table>
  5. <span style='color:gray'>As I'll ever be...Nykjek'sla</span>

    He said, whispering the last part to her. He just wanted this over with, and he wished revol wouldn't be so goddang angry at her. He seemed to have a hatred burning inside him about this, the fact that shiden had a love. His patience was wearing thin, and if revol kept acting this cold to her he was gonna blow.
  6. Revol continued to brood back in his confined space, the images flashing on the walls all around him only darkening his mood. But he made himself an oath in the short time as the pair made their way to the next area, that he would not interfere with them or their contribution to the organization. They wouldn't be another Temrin.

    "Alright you two, I hope you're ready. The mission begins now. Your objective from this point on, is to infiltrate the base stationed in front of you. We have gotten some guards, along with some base defenses, and stationed them around a makeshift cavern. This cavern has an installation in the center of it, and the installation has several underground floors, at the bottom of which is a set of blueprints, to what doesn't matter because this is only training. Now, you're permitted to use any force needed to dispatch the drones, but we want you to keep our personel alive. They have been ordered to act as if they were on normal guard duty, so will apprehend or fire at you on sight. All units in this training exercise are using tranquilizer rounds or energy guns on the lowest setting, only enough to knock you out. If both members of the team are caught, or killed, the mission is over, and medical tams will get you out of there as fast as possible. You will also fail the mission if the main alarm is sounded, and the facility is locked down, which it is capable of doing. Try and get both in and out without attracting much attention, I'd suggest avoiding confrontations, and use any and all of the terrain to the best of your ability. If you are unable to simply incapacitate the guards with your current weapons and abilities, tell me now, because an armory of non lethal weaponry has been set up in the corridor before the challenge begins. Good luck, now either start or have me open up the armory. Don't forget, I'm here for advice, and any other help I can offer under the circumstances."

    His long winded speech gave several key points, obviously number one was to avoid killing anybody, and number two was to get the blueprints without screwing up. The guards were highly trained, and several special surprises had been set up that even Revol was unaware of. It would be a feat to be sure...
  7. She sighed, looked at shiden with a smile before heading out into the armoury. Her staff would be a nusiance in there. Constantly in her mind she repeated the word stealth, as though somehow it would let her be granted with her old ways.

    <span style='color:red'>Lets load up then....</span>

    <span style='width:100%;font-weight:bold; font-size:10px'>Out of Character</span>
    <table class='ooc'><tr><td> sorry guys i'm in a rush, but this will hopefully kepp the plot goin</td></tr></table>
  8. <span style='width:100%;font-weight:bold; font-size:10px'>Out of Character</span>
    <table class='ooc'><tr><td>I'd like this thread closed please, by any administrator first to see this post. "The Lost" are dead, and anybody in this thread, could you please alter any plots or characters that have affiliations, thank you.

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