Sure! The actual IC thing has already started, but if you want to do something OOC, feel free. Might I suggest some interesting personal adds or sommat? ^^ Send stuff in to me, and it'll be put up.
rawr. my scanner refuses to work, so no comic from me, but i can pull a whole lotta personals (ads) outt my behind over night :)
scanners are evil: <span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:red'>ITS A CONSPIRACY!!!</span></span>
oo.. can I get into the fun too?? is there a thread of such thing (just a question) And where would da newsletters be published?
I would love to get into this but i don't think my chars would wanna o.O ha ha. OH well. I would make a new char but i don't feel up to it ^^; (I'm so lazey... ya think?)