I am back

Thread in 'General Chat' started by Brunken, Jan 11, 2008.

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  1. I totally know, i am even more confused when i go down to like bridlewood and stuff, they start with part of a word and they just add weird endings to everything!
  2. Then you suddenly realize that you're both long lost sisters that lived just a bit away from each other. Welcome back Brunken. =]When I reposition my ideas, I'll probably slip in an RP. <_<
  3. YAY! I am soo lonely for a RP! IT would be cool if we where long lost sisters, mine is a bain and I would love to trade her in.
  4. You know...
    Canada clichés are too easy when you guys talk about confusing names therein contained.
    Just... throwing that out there.

    ...I'll shut up now...
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