Yes, it's still RaL to me. Hi everyone! How's stuff going? Is it still winter anywhere? Summer's starting to make itself felt over here - stuff's already drying up and airconditiners are already working overtime! Bring on the heat :fire:
*frantic wave* Stuff going crazy for me, tomorrow morning I'm presenting a Chick Lit. book in front of my class. Need to talk for at least 20 minutes (I'm afraid I might talk for much more). I'm even stressing out over what to wear! The plan is to leave the room with a 3 book, book deal 8D I still have winter, (even calling for snow on Wednesday), but in general everything is melting and I'm getting ready for some spring cleaning! How about you, what have you been up too?
Winters showing up around my place, rain rain and more rain, that's how it is. oh yeah, I gota have to wear the winter uniform for school, such a pain. other than that life continues as norrmal.
'Sup dude! I wish it was summer here. The forecast is actually calling for snow and/or rain this afternoon. I'm hoping that it rains. I've had quite enough of this winter nonsense.
Ahh, Kylie, I hate presentations! I cannot at all talk for 20 minutes. And it is spring-y here with all the snow melting and whatnot. But the weather is oh-so-capricious and may change at any moment! So who knows! Good to have you back (:
@Kylie so I've heard :P (twitter) Good luck with the presentation! Wow, snow? It touched 40(centigrade) today, and we've still got two more months of it getting hotter - you guys should come by sometime xD
Ha, I would die in 40C, I don't even like when it goes over 25C unless there is water to jump in. I keep forgetting you're on Twitter, tweet more! xD I ended up speaking for 30 minutes, my teacher told me to speed things up and finish it off, haha. But she also said I set the bar pretty high *excited!* The roads are very icy right now + covered in puddles, so neither rain or snow would be appreciated, I don't like having wet sneakers x_x